DIY corner sofa: manufacturing features, rules for applying schemes

Of course, independent production gives a lot of pleasure and most importantly - it guarantees quality products, as you yourself are responsible for this. In addition, this process will be much cheaper than if you purchased the product in a store. However, you should take into account some nuances and small secrets that will help you form the ideal place to relax as comfortable and convenient as possible. This will be discussed in this article.

Features of making a corner sofa with your own hands

The content of the article

  • Features of making a corner sofa with your own hands
  • Using diagrams and drawings to create a sofa
  • Selection of materials and tools
  • Product assembly
  • How to make a sofa in the kitchen with your own hands: the nuances

DIY corner sofaBefore you start creating a corner sofa in the kitchen with your own hands, the following factors must be considered:

  • The angle at which the back will be tilted;
  • Dimensions of both the entire device and individual elements (its components);
  • If you are designing a folding mechanism, then this also needs to be taken into account;
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  • Storage compartments;
  • Leg height;
  • The indicator is not only stiffness, but also the thickness of each component of the entire structure.

In addition to all of the above, do not forget about your own weight. This is necessary for the correct calculation of the load to which the furniture will be subjected.

Using diagrams and drawings to create a sofa

Schemes for manufacturing a corner sofaFor the manufacture of a corner kitchen sofa with your own hands, you can use existing samples that have been tested by many experienced users. This ensures that possible flaws are avoided than if you were doing your own design.

Selection of materials and tools

do-it-yourself corner sofaHow to make a corner sofa with your own hands, drawings can be found on the Internet? To ensure maximum reliability, it is necessary to use high-quality materials during construction. Their selection should be treated carefully. As for the special material, you will need:

  1. Chipboard: Must be laminated. If it is not like that, then you can cover it with varnish.
  2. Birch plywood, but you can apply another.
  3. Coniferous beam.
  4. Threads and fabric. They are necessary for upholstery.
  5. Legs (each 5 centimeters).
  6. Construction adhesives. Moreover, their composition should be diverse, as you have to use different surfaces.
  7. Foam rubber (from 2 to 4 cm). You can use other soft fillers, for example, synthetic winterizer.
  8. Ready-made, from the store, transforming mechanism.

How to make a corner sofa yourself? Now you can start collecting from the list of products with which you can complete the workflow. It includes:

  1. Electric drill.
  2. Bolts, screws and nails.
  3. Sewing machine.
  4. Knife. The main thing is that it is sharp, otherwise the foam will not be cut.
  5. Wort You can purchase the simplest.
  6. Powerful stapler.
  7. Hand saw.

Product assembly

DIY corner sofa assemblyAfter everything is preliminarily prepared, you can proceed with actions. They are represented in the following algorithm:

  • First, armrests are made, the parameters of which are 90 by 20 by 55 cm. It is necessary to take chipboard and two bars. Screw the screws into the sheet and attach the product to the bars. The gap between the products must be at least 20 cm. Next, take the nails and attach them to the fiberboard at a distance of 15 cm. After that, eliminate roughness on the surface and use glue to fix the structure with foam rubber.
  • Then you should deal with the left side. Take the plywood sheets and use them to fix the screws on the chipboard (4 pieces on each side). After which, it is worth making a coupler at the expense of a bar.
  • To perform a sitting area, you need an even bar. Diagonals of the frame should be made as even and equal as possible. It is advisable to lubricate the entire surface for fastening with glue, and then it needs to be installed on the base. For greater strength, use self-tapping screws, between which the distance should be equal to from 15 to 20 cm.
  • After the completed manipulations, attach the fiberboard to the back, and then provide the structure with foam rubber.
  • We proceed to the assembly of the right side. Around the perimeter in the corners, provide the space with bars, and fasten all the details with sheets of plywood. The bottom will consist of chipboard. And in the place of the mechanism for lifting, you need to drill holes.
  • Before working with the filler, it is advisable to take the necessary measurements. Make a pattern and cut out everything for details. Pre-iron the finished fabric.
  • Then connect the product to the sofa using pins to understand how to sew in the future on a typewriter. To fix, you need a stapler.

How to make a sofa in the kitchen with your own hands: the nuances

How to make a corner sofa in the kitchenWhen making a corner sofa with your own hands, the drawings and diagrams of which can be found on the Internet, it is important to consider its size, since in this case every centimeter is important. It is best to choose a small-sized one, in the kitchen this is not the most important design, so it should be compact. It is worth paying attention to the upholstery - with a fabric choice, you need to take care of a good hood.

And, perhaps, the last tip will be to provide a cover change function. This will allow you to get rid of dirt, it provides ease of cleaning.

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