Dimensions of the corner sofa: standard dimensions of compact, small, medium, large sofas

corner sofa sizesOften in the living rooms of large families there is not enough space on the couch for everyone. The ideal way out is the angular version. It not only fits the whole family, but you can also put unexpected guests.

We will tell you what the sizes of corner sofas can be. This will help you choose a model based on the area of ​​a particular room.

Types of corner sofas

The content of the article

  • Types of corner sofas
    • Monolithic
    • Modular
    • Transformers
  • Standard Size Corner Sofas
    • How to measure the length and width of the sofa
    • Standard parameters for corner sofas and berths
  • Custom Options
    • Compact and small
    • Small
    • Medium
    • Large
    • Configuration and dimensions of radius models

Today, manufacturers offer a wide range of models of corner types. These are strict office monoliths, and design folding sofas, and transforming models, and modular designs.

Consider each of the categories in more detail.


Monolithic corners do not move apart or unfold.

reference. Typically, these options are installed in client areas of offices or in the living rooms of large houses, where there is no need for extra beds.

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The advantages of this design is its durability and reliabilitybecause it does not contain moving elements.


Modular designs are gaining enormous popularity today. In fact, this is not a solid frame, but a set of soft cabinets or ottomans on wheelswhich can be freely grouped as you wish.


Transforming sofas are designs that can be turned into a bed. Transformation mechanisms are very different. But it is precisely such sofas that allow the whole family to stay in a small apartment, suitable for the living room and hall.

Standard Size Corner Sofas

After specifying what types of corner furniture exist, let's move on to their sizes.

How to measure the length and width of the sofa

Based on the features of angular models, their measurements must be as follows.

Measurement of the length of the body is made from the beginning of one section to the end of another, the corner section is also taken into account.

When measuring the width, we take into account not only the corner section, but also the base section.

Thus, all parameters are summed up, and we get the values ​​of length and width.

Standard parameters for corner sofas and berthsstandard sizes

If we consider the standards, the dimensions of the angular type are within:

  • 230-280 centimeters in length;
  • 150-180 centimeters in width.

And despite this, manufacturers do not stand still. They listen to the opinions of customers with different capabilities and needs.

reference. Furniture is produced in small sizes, with a length of not more than 203 centimeters, and vice versa, excessively large, more than four meters.

Often, such models are produced for individual projects. In such projects, the greatest load is on the frame. Therefore, When choosing a custom size sofa, you should pay attention to the strength and reliability of the frame.

Due to its transformation capabilities, the most popular and common types of corner sofas quietly replace large double beds at night. In the daytime - used in recreation areas.

Standard parameters include width. On her All sofas are divided into the following types.

  • Single. With a berth of 150 centimeters in length and 70 centimeters in width.
  • Double rooms. These types of sofas for sleeping are already up to 150 centimeters wide.
  • There are also products designed for three people. In width they reach two meters.

Custom Options

Paying attention to the needs of customers of the widest strata, manufacturers often deviate from the standards, both up and down. This makes it possible to install soft zones not only in rooms of classic sizes, but also in small and large rooms.

Compact and smallsmall-sized

Non-standard include various small-sized species. Their sizes are 170 centimeters wide and exactly the same length. This option is convenient if required. installation in the kitchen or in the hallway.

This type of model is very easy to fold out, thus providing a berth suitable for one person. But it may also have hidden drawers under its feet, which are suitable for storing dishes or various household trifles. Often this option is put in the kitchen.

As a rule, such sofas use universal corners in their design. They can be easily installed both on the right side and on the left. Such a model is not rigidly attached to the design specified by the manufacturer.

There are also more compact options.

  • The berth of such models equals 150 centimeters to 150 centimeters.
  • Second option 130 centimeters to 200 centimeters.

Tip. Such types of sofas are practical and very comfortable in small studio apartments or ordinary apartment apartments.

In such rooms there is always a struggle for centimeters, because the bedroom space is limited. This type includes sofas with tick-to-tack, dolphin or eurobook layouts.


Often, in stores selling furniture, you can see very small in size models. Often, such designs are a "book".

If you make out such a sofa, we get berth length of 125 centimeters by 140 centimeters.

In addition, you can combine such a sofa with another - sizes 90 centimeters to 168 centimeters. This sofa will serve as an ottoman. Both parts are independent of each other.


Widespread and loved by customers are medium-sized corner sofas.

They have sleeping space parameters in the region of 200 centimeters by 150 centimeters. This is a recognized standard for upholstered furniture of this class.

If you assemble such a sofa, it will have a length of about 245 centimeters and up to 260 centimeters. This difference depends on the presence of the armrests and their width.

The seat in depth can vary up to 150 centimetersgiven the back. Height ranges from 70 centimeters to 80 centimeters.


If we talk about large corner sofas, then this class should be attributed models that have a seat length starting from two meters or more.

They are both folding and monolithic. Modular and standard versions are possible.

Often, such sofas are produced according to customer projects in a single copy. As a rule, these models are equipped with various shelves, tables or a small bar that has the ability to cool drinks. Such a bar is usually located in the middle zone.

The size of a berth can be within 200 centimeters by 140 centimeters and up to 300 centimeters per 200 centimeters.

Configuration and dimensions of radius modelsradius

The latest innovations in the furniture market include the radius models of corner sofas.

They are issued in the form of a semicircle.They look very beautiful, attractive and unusual. Most often, such models are made out in a modern design study. In this type of furniture, the laws of such styles as Loft and Techno or Hi-Tech, as the most progressive, usually prevail. But no one bothers to ask the manufacturer to make this type in the classic version.

The size of such a sofa will directly depend on the number of segments included in the layout.

Important! If you decide to purchase a radius model of the sofa, you should remember that it will require a little more space for its installation than models with a classic right angle.

If the living space is small, then this type of sofa will be appropriate only if its dimensions do not interfere with the free movement of residents.

How to fix the sofa yourself if it has failed in the middle: replacing the filler, springs, frame repair.

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