Sofa book - time-tested furniture that fits perfectly into the relaxation area and copes with the role of an extra bed. It occupies a relatively small area and is equipped with a drawer, in which you can store not only bedding. But sometimes the furniture begins to be capricious.
The sofa book is not displayed
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The sofa book is not displayed
- Possible reasons
- Remedies
Usually this problem does not occur suddenly. Often, it is preceded by completely harmless phenomena: it becomes a little harder to lay out, make a little more effort when changing position, the seat somehow suspiciously pressed against the armrest.

If timely attention is paid to minor defects, then serious damage can be avoided. After all, it is usually enough to tighten a couple of screws or rivets in order to extend the life of the entire mechanism.
Possible reasons
By indirect signs, you can understand what prevents the sofa from taking the required position. If problems are associated with wear of the locking mechanism, then this is indicated by:
- transverse play backlash;
- skew towards one of the armrests;
- lack of a characteristic click;
- clanking sound arising from the transformation.

It happens that the book does not fold out due to a broken frame beam. In the folded position, this is indicated by the sagging edge of the seat. Unfolded - an uncharacteristic tubercle at the attachment point of the position fixing device.
The true extent of the problem can be estimated only by looking at the state of the mechanism. To do this, remove the armrest. Usually it is attached to the box with bolts, which are easy to unscrew. Having coped with the task, they begin to examine the problem area.

Often, blameless fastenings to the frame beam become the fault. If these are bolts, then they can simply be tightened by first substituting additional washers. When the locking mechanism is attached to the beam using screws, then:
- they are replaced with analogues of a larger cross section;
- the timber is drilled and bolts are used;
- reduce the diameter of the holes with wooden choppers.
In a situation where the problem was identified out of time and the wood burst, there are several ways to solve the problem.
- If the crack is longitudinal, then it is possible to tighten the beam using metal clamps.
- Cross indicates the need to strengthen the frame with a bar. It is stuffed from the opposite side of the mechanism.
- The completely bursted beam is first glued. For this, PVA is applied to the surface of the fault, the fragments are connected and clamped with clamps. A day after this, the frame is strengthened by one of the above methods and the sofa is assembled.

Loosening the rivets on the very mechanism of fixing the position of the book is much less likely to cause breakage. After examining the removed device, even the inexperienced person becomes apparent the degree of wear. Rivets, depending on the situation:
- condense;
- change for new;
- if design permits, replace the plate-head bolts with a suitable size.
Sometimes the book does not fold out due to a foreign object falling into the mechanism. Most often this happens in systems equipped with springs. This problem is solved easily - it is enough to eliminate clogging, and the sofa is working properly.
Manufacturing defects often cause excessive efforts to transform furniture. As a result of this, traction may be bent. They are aligned with a conventional hammer.
After the repair, you should make sure that the sofa is easy to turn. If you find defects in the operation of the mechanism, it makes sense to purchase a couple of new ones, since this indicates a strong wear and proximity of another failure.