How to put a euro cover on a corner sofa: rules for choosing and pulling a euro cover.

how to wear a euro cover on a corner sofaTime comes and every furniture, including upholstered furniture, needs not only care, but also restoration. But what about the sofa? Dry cleaning, paying a tidy sum? Or order in the studio to sew new covers and make an expensive hauling sofa cover?

The above processes are time consuming, costly and expensive. There is an affordable and quick way to update your favorite sofa! Modern manufacturers offer to use the euro cover!

Many buyers have already appreciated its advantage. And the owners of the corner sofas doubt whether such a protective cloak will fit their furniture. Will do! And we will tell you how to put the euro cover on the corner sofa without any problems.

Types of euro covers for corner sofastypes of covers

The content of the article

  • Types of euro covers for corner sofas
    • Types of covers
    • Types of material 
      • "Jacquard"
      • "Fantasy"
      • "Fire resistant"
      • Pleated
      • Microfiber
      • "Shinil"
  • How to wear a euro cover on a corner sofa
    • Step-by-step instructions for putting on a cover
    • How to fix a cover on a sofa
  • Tips for choosing a euro cover on a corner sofa
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There are various modifications of covers for chairs, pouffes, cots, as well as upholstered furniture. They are designed for products that have mechanisms:

  • click gag;
  • Eurobook;
  • accordion;
  • French clamshell and many others.

Types of covers

Is produced three main types of euro covers for upholstered furniture:

  • double;
  • triple;
  • angular.

Corner sofas are the most popular modules. They are quite versatile, convenient and functional. The following types of covers are made for them:

  • right angle;
  • left-handed model.

Covers are usually universal. Therefore, a single size is suitable for various sofa structures.

IMPORTANT! Corner furniture can be oriented to the right or left side. Be sure to consider this point when buying a case. Determine the type of your model by standing with your face to the furniture.

To choose a wrap and not make a mistake, you you need to know one parameter. it back lengthto be measured. Measurements are taken from the edge of the right armrest to the left side.

  • If the length is not more than 120-160 cm, buy a double.
  • From 160 to 245 cm: a triple size is suitable.
  • Size up to 550 cm: your option is the angular design.

Also pay attention to bedspreads for upholstered furniture without armrests. They differ in shape from ordinary “standard” covers.

Types of material types of material


Highly stretchable and very durable material. It has the effect of "Anti-Claw", relevant for pet owners. The fabric pattern has the effect of three-dimensional pattern.


A skirt is launched along the lower edge of the bedspread, which distinguishes this model from others and is a classic.

"Fire resistant"

It is made of refractory kanekalonovy fibers. It has an anti-flammable effect and, when exposed to fire, “self-extinguishes”.


The unusual design of the textured fabric makes it pleasant tactile and visually unusually beautiful. It also has an anti-claw system.


Unique material, high strength with maximum elasticity. Very light in weight and soft to the touch.


Dense, but weightless fabric with noble shades and an original pattern.


The cover has high durability, sufficient density. In appearance elegant, with a smooth texture.

IMPORTANT! None of the above materials needs ironing.

How to wear a euro cover on a corner sofahow to wear

The case quickly and simply enough takes on the various forms of trestle beds on which it is worn. Due to its high elasticity and easy stretching of the canvas, the cover is very easy to pull on upholstered furniture, even corner furniture.

The main thing to know what is the layout mechanism of your upholstered furniture. Depending on this, we determine whether you will have to remove the cover when you disassemble the sofa structure and prepare a berth for yourself.

Modification of the mechanisms “click-gag”, “book” allows the cover not to be removed. For other constructions, it is better to remove it in order to avoid excessive tension and possible damage to the Euro case.

Step-by-step instructions for putting on a coverinstruction

The fabric used is elastic, stretches well, so it is easy to put on any size of berth.

To pull the cover over the corner device, you must perform several sequential steps.

  • Move the furniture away from the wall in order to have access to the inside.
  • Pre-spread the cover on the floor, flatten it. Expand so that the worn sides of the cape and armrests coincide. As a rule, corner sofas have compartments of different lengths.
  • Proceed to don the cape as instructed.
  • From which side, left or right, you will pull the case, it does not matter.
  • As a rule, the product is always accompanied by instructions with pictures, so you can easily cope with your task.

How to fix a cover on a sofa

  • When you put on a euro cover and all the corners coincided, the material must be spread with palms across the entire surface.
  • The upper and lower sides of the bedspread due to the elastic band are fixed to the sofa structure independently.
  • In some places, voids form between the cover, the walls and the seat. In order to get rid of these troubles, special clamps are used. They must be inserted between: the back and the seat, the seat and the armrests, the armrests and the back.
  • When inserting the locking device, push the fabric of the cover as deep as possible inward. So the cover will not slip out, a good tension will appear. Accordingly, it will be possible to create an aesthetic look.

Tips for choosing a euro cover on a corner sofaselection tips

  • We have already figured out that the design can be right-and left-handed. Therefore, when making a purchase, be careful!
  • Models of furniture covers with and without armrests are significantly different from each other. Therefore, pay attention to this!
  • The fabrics used in the production of bedspreads have common parameters. They are easy to wash, dry quickly and restore their original shape.
  • When deciding on the type of coverage, proceed to the following steps. Measure the length of the sofa structure along the back, do not take the armrests into account. The size on the product tag will correspond to the length of the back. If there is no roulette available, then you can determine the size by eye.
  • Estimate how many people can fit in the seat. The number of people will be equal to the size written on the tag.
  • When choosing a euro cover, consider the interior in your apartment. The color, pattern, texture of the bedspreads should be in harmony with the design of the home.
  • Large corner upholstered furniture looks advantageous with plain, but textured covers.
  • In small rooms, small sofas are more suitable for coloring with small patterns.

Modern materials are used for the production of euro covers. They are hypoallergenic, safe for the health of people and pets. These products are not subject to deformation, do not form folds, do not slip from the back during operation.

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