Linoleum thickness: classification of linoleum by thickness, what this coating characteristic depends on, what density linoleum to choose for an apartment.

A variety of linoleum.When a person thinks about which coating is better to give preference when repairing the floor, then most often he chooses linoleum. And this is easily explained, because this modern floor covering has several remarkable characteristics - it is convenient in styling, has an excellent price / quality ratio, is suitable for any type of room and purpose and has a wide color gamut. All these qualities allow the consumer to fully satisfy their finishing needs and help create an interior for every taste. But in order to properly use this building material, you need to understand its classification, as well as have an idea of ​​what thickness and density are kg / m3.

Classification of linoleum by thickness

The content of the article

  • Classification of linoleum by thickness
  • What determines the thickness of the coating
  • What thickness and density to choose linoleum for an apartment

When talking about this classification of linoleum, we mean the thickness of the protective layer of the floor covering. It is this criterion that affects the wear resistance of the material. For the convenience of the consumer, the following distinction was made by type:

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  1. Domestic. This product is marked 21/22 \ 23 class. They differ in the permissible degree of load. The coating is intended for use in residential premises. The parameters of its protection are from 0.15 to 0.2 millimeters.
  2. Semi-commercial. This option is designated 31 \ 32 \ 33. It can be used both in residential premises and in small offices. It has a protective layer of 0.25-0.5 mm.
  3. Industrial (commercial). The most durable. Designed for factory premises and public places: schools, clinics, shopping centers and so on. The protection layer is 0.7 mm.

It is worth noting that in the industrial variety of material, the main emphasis is on wear resistance, and in the domestic and in the semi-commercial version safety, noise protection and thermal insulation, as well as a variety of external kind of.

Classification of linoleum by purpose and thickness.

It is on the basis of these qualities that consumers choose a product.

REFERENCE! Before choosing a floor covering, be sure to properly prepare the base. It should be even and clean. Do not lay on old linoleum. Also, if you want to lay the floor from the boards with this material, you should first level it with chipboard or OSB.

What determines the thickness of the coating

Few buyers know that heterogeneous linoleum, which consists of several layers, is mainly sold. It can be created in two ways:

  1. The first production method resembles the manufacture of puff cake. A film with a pattern is layered onto the base (fiberglass), followed by a protective layer. Next, the workpiece unfolds and a substrate layer is applied to the back side.
  2. The second method is calendering (pressing). In this case, all these layers are joined together and stretched through hot drums. Thus, a variation is made on the so-called “artificial felt”.

As described above, the overall size is affected by the thickness of the protection, which can be made in one or two layers. The size of the substrate also affects.

The structure of linoleum.

REFERENCE! In addition to the heterogeneous version of linoleum, a homogeneous coating is realized. It belongs to the commercial type and consists of two layers: base and protection.

What thickness and density to choose linoleum for an apartment

Often coming to a point of sale, the consumer is lost from the abundance of the goods offered. You should know the basics of the right choice in order not to overpay and purchase the product that really fits all parameters for the home:

  1. The first thing you should start with is choosing the right class for your room. Class 21 is suitable for the bedroom, since we spend little time in this room, which means that the floor load is minimal, class 22 is suitable for the living room or study - rooms with medium traffic. The biggest load in the apartment is on the floors in the hallway and kitchen, so here you will need maximum protection, which means it is better to purchase 23 class. Also for any type of room you can choose a semi-commercial option.
  2. The second point will be the environmental friendliness of the coating. This is especially true for the nursery and the bedroom. Many manufacturers mark safe products with special signs: the image of a baby or a green leaf.
  3. If a system of underfloor heating is installed in the renovated room, then you should choose the thinnest option. Linoleum is a material whose thermal conductivity is very low, but with the improvement of technology, manufacturers began to produce special types suitable for covering a “warm floor”.
  4. Not the last feature will be a product design solution. It should harmoniously fit into the interior.

All of the above is advisory in nature, so if you want to lay a semi-commercial linoleum in the bedroom, this will not be the wrong decision. It all depends on the taste and preferences.

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