Properly selected furniture provides users with convenience and healthy. If it comes to the table, take in choosing the right solution can be guided by their mission and accepted standards.
What standards exist height desk
The content of the article
- What standards exist height desk
How to choose the right table height
- kitchen
- written
- computer
- lunch
- How to choose the right desk for your child
- whether other options are important
- What good is adjustable table
- The consequences of a wrong choice
Recommended value - 75 cm. Focusing on GOST, manufacturers produce furniture in height from 70 to 80 cm. Theoretically, such a run would have to meet the requirements of all users, but it is not. Those whom nature has endowed an increase of 160 or 180 cm, for standard-table feel uncomfortable because it is either too high or vice versa - is too low.

A separate category, which do not fit the standards - the children. Dining, written or computer - they needed the table before the end of their physical development. Therefore, parents can only 2 options - to adjust the length of the legs of a chair, or, preferably, to attend to the purchase of children's furniture.
How to choose the right table height
The basis for calculating standard put average growth of man. When selecting furniture "for themselves" it is also important to consider this option, because the formula is a convenient countertop height is unchanged: height (cm) * coefficient. But the variable itself depends on the destination.
the whole working surface is meant by this kind of tables, which is not quite correct, but the most practical. After all, for the truly multilevel correct and convenient option would be to take care of an order of magnitude more difficult.

The finished dish - the result of many preparatory processes, most of which are easier to carry standing. Accordingly, the height of the kitchen table should be such that a person located behind it can work with relaxed shoulders and flat back. By selecting from pre kitchen surfaces, the optimum distance from the tabletop to the floor is easily determined visually: it must be at a level below the waist.
But what do you do if one of the family members have a big difference in the growth? Under no circumstances should not determine the arithmetic mean as recommended by some "experts".
ATTENTION! When choosing a kitchen table should be guided on the one who prepares the most - it is the man "brighter" all feeling the effects of a wrong choice.
If you want to determine the height of the kitchen table in case of customization, you can use the formula: 0.51 * growth. Rounding the result to an integer, will be able to get the optimal distance from the floor to tabletops, taking into account individual circumstances.
In this embodiment, the furniture are somewhat different challenges: supposed to work sitting behind him. Forearm while working to remain relaxed, back straight and your shoulders in a natural position. Suppose a light inclination of the head, but the drumstick and thigh must be at right angles and your feet - tightly to the floor.

ATTENTION! When choosing such furniture is also neither of which can not be averaged out of the question. Guided stands on the very tall household. And the rest of the kit to the table just to buy more individual chairs and stands at his feet.
The formula for calculating the optimum height of the desk: height * 0.46.
It is important to understand that it is the direct heir of the written equivalent. to his requirements are the same.

ATTENTION! Typing on the keyboard is important to maintain the correct posture and hand position. And the distance between your eyes and the monitor easy to handle, pushing it to the opposite edge of the countertop.
For greater compactness while maintaining user-friendliness, computer tables are often equipped with pull-out shelf for keyboard and stand under the monitor. In this case:
- shelf should be at the optimal position for the preservation of the natural height of the hands;
- the table is chosen with a comfortable chair armrests, which will serve as an additional point of support for the forearm;
- Stand should provide the optimum viewing angle without having to slouch or lean back.
General recommendation on the selection of the optimum for all family members height preserved: a landmark in the very tall. Benefit buy-in foot is not difficult, and high-quality computer chair is easy to adjust to the needs of users.
For such furniture is carried out not too long, but that does not mean that you can use any version. At the dinner table the family gathers at full strength, so comfortable to be around the same time. Too high or low table will not allow the conveniently located and get the most out of culinary delights. And all kinds of supports under the legs and chairs with adjustable height is simply misplaced. But this does not mean that the right choice to make too hard.

ATTENTION! Rated value defined by the formula: 0.43 * growth. However, there is a clarification: in this case it is necessary to focus on the averaged growth of adult family members.
If the father, mother, grandparents, "grown up" to 175, 155, 180 and 160 cm, respectively, it is necessary to determine the average value:
(175 + 155 + 180 + 160) / 4 = 167.5 cm.
And it is substituted into the formula. It does not matter that his father legs have to pull a little to sit comfortably at the table - outside dining is permissible.
How to choose the right desk for your child
It is desirable that the working surface of the furniture was a student with a slope for several reasons:
- It improves visibility for easier reading;
- accustom to order, because the little things scattered on the table have to slide the property, if not placed in the designated places for them;
- stimulates occupy only correct position, since stooping over the table so uncomfortable.

REFERENCE! The height of the proximal edge is calculated using the same formula as for the "adult" version: 0.46 * growth. But the child is growing rapidly, so it is worth to buy furniture with a small margin "for growth", or, preferably, with the ability to adjust the height and angle of inclination of table top.
The latter option is more expensive than unregulated. But it will be cheaper 2-3 simple - and this is the minimum number of substitutions child desktop, if take care of maintaining the posture of the younger generation.
whether other options are important
Correctly selected the height does not make easy work for a narrow desk. Conversely, the wide web can be quite comfortable with failure height. Therefore, the choice is important to pay attention to the following parameters:
- countertops width not less than 60 cm for the child and 80 adult (more - better);
- Depth - 35 cm for a child, an adult of 50 (the principle is the same);
- legroom - to a depth of table top and at least 50 cm in width.
For different types of furniture, it looks like this:
- for kitchen table is taken criteria depth and width;
- for writing and computer - all three parameters;
- for lunch the first pair of values is doubled, resulting in a necessary minimum.
What good is adjustable table
The main advantage of such furniture - the ability to adapt to the current needs, eliminating the need to purchase multiple raznogabaritnyh models. Adjustable options are compact, which is especially useful in urban apartments. The only negative - they are not designed for serious load. Their limit - 45-50 kg.

REFERENCE! The table can be equipped with mechanical or electronic mechanism of transformation. Manufacturers often involves not only a change in the height of the level, but also the increase in area.
The consequences of a wrong choice
The first item in the list of criteria specified convenience. If the table does not meet this requirement, then a full-fledged work for them can not be considered. Bad posture primarily prevents the normal circulation of the blood. The result: congestion, swelling, pain. And for the child, whose body is continually changing, the wrong position at the desk contributes to the increased risk of abnormal development of the muscular system.