Dining table height: how to calculate the height of the desired table height

Table with chairsThe size of the kitchen table is the main parameter that determines the level of comfort when cooking or eating. If this piece of furniture is lower, then the person will involuntarily lean toward him, after a while it will cause pain in the spine due to its incorrect position. In the opposite case, if the furniture is higher than the required value, the person has an overstrain of the shoulder muscles.

Standard tabletop height

The content of the article

  • Standard tabletop height
  • What height are kitchen tables?
  • How to choose and calculate the height
  • Why it is important to choose the right size

The standard height is specified in GOST 13025.3-85, taking into account this regulation, the size from the floor to the top of the furniture must be in the range of 700-790 mm, and to the bottom of the countertop no less than 600 mm. This is required for a comfortable body position: so that the knees do not touch the bottom of the table. The average size is considered 745-755 mm.

Important! Given these standards, the distance from the chair to the top of the countertop should be 310-350 mm.

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The required surface size of the table for convenient operation, as a rule, is 850-900 millimeters from the floor. This indicator is calculated taking into account the location of the elbow on the countertop, since most of the time the hands are located in this position.Table

What height are kitchen tables?

In addition to the traditional options for arranging countertops, there are also mechanical modules that allow you to adjust the size of the furniture. As a rule, they have X-shaped legs installed that make it possible to adjust this indicator or they are equipped with an electronic or retractable system.

The subject of this furniture may be a small desk, which after transformation becomes a full-fledged furniture for cooking in the kitchen.

The main advantages of this furniture include:

  • practicality and the ability to install in various areas;
  • small size and saving of useful area due to transformation;
  • comfort - the tabletop can be adjusted both for an adult and for children.

Attention! The disadvantages of adjustable dining tables are their rather expensive price, as well as their low maximum load. These kitchen products can support approximately 35-50 kg, depending on the type of furnitureand.

Table chairs

How to choose and calculate the height

The dimensions of the tables should be measured taking into account the floor level to the top of the worktop, and may be 720-785 millimeters, and the size of the stool is calculated from the floor to the seat within 390-460 mm, the optimal is 430 mm

For calculation, there is a single formula: the height of the product must be equal to the height of a person, multiplied by 74 and divided by 170.

The number 740 mm is the standard for height, and 170 is the average height, which is indicated in centimeters.

To determine the size of the chair, subtract from the data obtained:

  • 35 cm for people with small stature;
  • 41-44 cm for people of average height (these parameters are close to 175 cm);
  • 50 cm for tall people.Dining table height

If people are of average growth, then the formula for calculating the size of the kitchen table has the following form: 175 * 74/170 = 76.17 cm.

The size of the chair for these people is: 76.17-42 = 34.17 cm.

But in reality, everything is much more complicated, since these are calculations for a certain person for his specific size. And the whole family will be at the table, with each member of a different height. Even taking into account several people who are eating or cooking in the kitchen, it is already necessary to calculate certain table dimensions, and then calculate the height.

For example, with the growth of one person 165 cm and the growth of the second 190 cm, an average height for two is obtained - 177.5 cm. Why size is calculated as follows: 177.5 * 74/170 = 77.26 cm.

Attention! If more than three people live in the same house, then calculations of the average height of all family members will be required (add up the total growth indicators of each person and divided by the total number of people), and then calculate the height of the furniture according to the formula, which was indicated above.

Choosing the size of chairs is much simpler - most of the items in this kitchen furniture are equipped with adjustable legs. You can also buy orthopedic pillows that fit on the stool seat and add the necessary height in each case. So, the size of the chairs can be artificially adjusted to the specific height of the countertops.Table

Why it is important to choose the right size

An incorrectly selected table will create a feeling of constant fatigue, a feeling of discomfort, and constant tension.

During cooking, more than 45 muscles are involved in the human body. If the working part of the kitchen worktop is located indoors at the floor level above the required values, then the load on the muscles during operation increases to 60%. If the size of the dining table is less than the required standard, then the number of muscles that are included in the work increases, which leads to increased human fatigue.Table

The correct choice of the required size of the working surfaces will make it possible to prevent the occurrence of problems with the spine and various diseases associated with it. Given your height and knowing the correct formula for the calculation, you can choose the most suitable model height for the necessary countertops.

Therefore, in order not to feel discomfort or inconvenience while sitting at a meal, you must carefully approach the choice of height of kitchen furniture.

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