How to set a table beautifully to surprise home and guests

The symbol of 2019 is the Yellow Earth Pig. The New Year's table should be rich and full of delicious food, as the pig is famous for a good appetite. Decorations are also very important to create a festive atmosphere and please the new mistress of the year. You need to think through everything to the smallest detail: color, style, decoration, food, dishes.

celebrate the year of the yellow pig

The representative of the new year loves bright colors, so choose yellow, pink, red, orange, gold, brown and light green jewelry and accessories.

IMPORTANT: Do not overload the design with a large number of saturated colors. It is enough to use no more than three primary colors.

When serving, use decorative elements with the symbols of the new year:

  • candles;
  • figurines;
  • spruce branches;
  • bumps;
  • Christmas decorations;
  • New Year's wreaths;
  • nests;
  • cinnamon sticks.

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to purchase these accessories. It is enough to apply a little imagination and make jewelry with your own hands. This will give you a lot of positive emotions, especially if you involve children in the process.

instagram viewer
table setting with candles

Decorate the table will help not only accessories, but also textile items: a tablecloth, napkins, beautiful chair covers. They should be decorated in the same style and harmonize in color. Natural fabrics such as cotton, linen, silk, burlap should be preferred. All elements must be thoughtful and look harmonious.

TIP: You can make a real masterpiece from napkins if you fold them in an original way.

Get creative with your table setting. Cutlery can be tied with a beautiful ribbon. Decorate the legs of glasses and wine glasses with beads or bows. Serve salads and snacks in their original form (Christmas trees, pig faces, Christmas tree decorations).

the ideas

The best ways to design a table

The content of the article

    • The best ways to design a table
  • 10 cool ideas for decorating the table

The pig has a delicate taste and rustic simplicity, at the same time it is funny and mischievous. Therefore, the table can be decorated in a rustic style, as well as in any other. In this matter, you can fully rely on your taste and preferences.

Basic design options:
A rustic style is a great option if you celebrate the New Year in a country house or recreation center. As a basis, choose natural materials: a wooden table and chairs, a linen tablecloth (a tablecloth folded into a path running along the table), and ceramic dishes.

linen tablecloth

As a decor, cones, twigs, decorative candles in jars are suitable. In the design, use yellow, brown and gold shades.
Country - a fun and vibrant style, as a pig loves. Primary colors: red and white.


IMPORTANT: If you choose a red tablecloth, then napkins and dishes should be white, and vice versa.

As a decor fit:

  • large white candles tied with a red ribbon;
  • sprigs of berries or rowan brushes located at each plate, or collected in a separate composition;
  • cones with spruce branches;
  • various figures (deer, snowmen, pigs).

Boho-chic - for fans of bright, effective, non-standard solutions. Light blue, light pink, white and cream shades are appropriate.

Serve the table with various dishes of a non-standard shape. Use crocheted items (napkins, figures, tablecloth edges) or cut out of paper. Decorate with flower arrangements (living or dried flowers), candles on a long leg.

gold clearance
Minimalism - for those who prefer simplicity and a minimum of decor. The basis is better to choose a white shade. The second color can be black, gold or red. The dishes are silver or simple ceramic. As a decor, choose one element: cones, green twigs, candles or figurines.


IMPORTANT: This style is suitable provided that the room is also decorated in minimalism.

10 cool ideas for decorating the table

The festive mood and a sense of New Year's magic lies in the little things and details, as well as in their preparations. Unusual jewelry will surprise guests and delight the owners.

white decor

Beautiful ideas for serving:

  1. Candlesticks made of orange peel. Take an orange, cut it in half, gently pull out the pulp. Insert a small candle into the bottom. In the upper part, cut a hole with a mold. We decorate it with cloves. The result is an unusual candlestick and a pleasant citrus aroma with a hint of cloves.
  2. Decor options for glasses:
    - Stick stickers with a New Year's picture;
    - make snowflakes from white cardboard and place them on the edge of the glass;
    - decorate the leg with a red satin ribbon bow.
  3. Sugar figures. From square pieces of sugar you can build a small ice fortress, inside which you can put a candle or a glass.
  4. Imitation of snow on the table. Pour coarse salt into half a glass jar. Put a candle on top.
  5. Use crocheted snowflakes in the shape of snowflakes.
  6. A wreath of branches in the center of the table with Christmas toys or cones.

    TIP: Use spruce, fir or juniper branches.

  7. Snowman from the plates.
  8. Christmas tree cut.
  9. Garland with large bulbs, launched in the middle line of the table.
  10. Pig face, made of cooked sausage + two olives for the eyes.

Make blanks for decoration in advance so that table setting does not take much time.

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