Some individuals try to maintain perfect cleanliness on your desktop. Other, justifying the absence of order, called the chaos "artistic" and "creative." Is harmless "creative" work environment?

How dangerous clutter
The content of the article
How dangerous clutter
- distraction
- Nerve strain and stress
- "For tomorrow"
- empty pockets
- disease
- Overweight
- Inability to live in the present
- Whether it is necessary to strive for perfect order on the table?
REFERENCE! American researchers have found that monotonous activities and cluttered workspace badly affect people's ability.
the study was conducted, which involved about 5000 people. More than half of them - women, the average age of participants of the experiment from 30 to 80 years.
Volunteers were interviewed regarding workplace. They were checked by a test that evaluates the ability to memorize and use of information, concentration and logical thinking.

IMPORTANT! Employees working in the not too clean space, showed a tendency to decrease of useful features, compared to operating clean. Especially women were susceptible.
Chaotic conglomeration of objects interferes with normal brain process information. Therefore, the employee difficulty concentrating.
Nerve strain and stress
At constant contemplation of "chaos" increased cortisol levels. Just look at the mountain of unwashed clothes or on a pile of books. It should get out of the room, and the level will decrease.

"For tomorrow"
The usual mess do not want to eliminate. This leads to procrastination, ie procrastination indefinitely. Constantly there is a decision to move all "for tomorrow". The delayed decisions and reduced organization.
empty pockets
Often time is lost. It is killed in an attempt to find the necessary thing. Some people even decide that it is easier to buy a new thing, than to find the old.
The losses are obvious: if it were not for lost time, it was possible to learn, to work, to build relationships with people, business and professional communication.
The dangerous mess? The things infest dust mites. They cause allergic reactions. This can cause asthma in apartment dwellers.
REFERENCE! American community health experts conducted experiments to determine the dependence of weight on the order in the home.
No matter what the causes of the mess. What is essential is that it leads to problems. Mess provokes stress and weight gain.
ATTENTION! Psychologists believe: to eat more than necessary, showing intemperance in eating - is also a mess.
Inability to live in the present
The disorder provoked a manifestation of negative emotions. The main purpose of cleaning is to strive for peace and harmony.
Whether it is necessary to strive for perfect order on the table?
IMPORTANT! The expert concluded that the establishment of order in the table greatly increases the efficiency of staff.
"Dump" forces lose control over their own lives, reducing its quality. So, it's time to clean up the mess, making it more successful lives and improve their health!

However, you should understand that nothing is perfect does not happen. In all important to observe a sense of proportion! "The golden mean" is between complete carelessness and excessive tediousness.
Cleanliness and order - that's fine. But the desire for it should not be combined with the conviction of those who are not able to maintain order. "Neat," do not be haughty with pride over the "sluts".