Every nation present interesting and unusual traditions that other people cause a slight bewilderment and sometimes even anger. One of the characteristics of Americans, irritating the Arabs, Europeans, and Russian too - a habit of putting his feet on the table. What is inherent in it? Trying to show complacency or a simple desire for comfort?

Shocking or the norm?
The content of the article
- Shocking or the norm?
- Marfan syndrome: a scientific explanation for the unusual tradition
Cinema - a great thing that allows you to display their values and way of life for the whole world. Hollywood nashtampovat lot of different films in which we see how tired cowboy comes into the saloon and deliberately, with sling puts his feet on the table. And the bosses of large corporations? In the picture you can see the price of shoes in a few thousand dollars and a happy face of a successful businessman.

There are two main versions of the origin of this, in our view outrageous habits:
- Cavalry, cowboys and people who were in the saddle for a long time, you need to unload the legs to facilitate blood flow. Totally agree! Try it yourself to go to horse riding tour for a few days! With the habit even after a few hours on horseback forget about decency rules. In addition, Wild West did not differ excessive moraliztorstvom: the New World from Europe went to different people. Poor people sought a better life, and not all of them were familiar with the etiquette... Now, there is another problem - Daily rest is also a simple matter in an office chair, and in a way the Americans struggling with fatigue and blood stasis in the legs.
- The purity of the street, seeking comfort and a demonstration of its own success. Many who traveled across America, noted that the roads are regularly cleaned, there is the ever-present dust and there really shoes remain clean after a walk, allowing his feet to throw on the table in the office. Of course, the subordinates do not do it in the presence of the head, but at friendly gatherings quietly arranged with comfort.

Cultural differences are not just caused scandals on an international level, especially since the US lifestyle clearly showed the president during negotiations with the representatives of other peoples with other customs.
Photography, where Barack Obama talks on the phone with Israeli Prime Minister, has caused sincere bewilderment turning into indignation in the country. Israel regarded the position as an insult to the country.
But the Americans from their habits do not give up!
Marfan syndrome: a scientific explanation for the unusual tradition

I found a very interesting hypothesis: FROM. AT. Bagotsky in 2009 wrote an article "About races, nations, Uncle Sam and Odessa-Mama"It was published in the ninth issue of" Chemistry and Life "for that year.
During Soviet times, and caricatures of the US imperialism artists drew Uncle Sam (symbolized USA) thin, with incredibly long legs. His pants were painted in the colors of the US flag. In part, this image belongs to a real character!
In the XVII century from Europe came not so much the settlers.There is an assumption that among them were people with quite severe hereditary disease, Marfan syndrome. What is it? If you explain briefly and simply, the This gene mutation. People with Marfan syndrome are tall, they are observed heart defects, lens subluxation and long limbs. When the disease is easy character, such people have an amazing capacity for work!

Features of structure of the body such people do not allow to sit comfortably at the table, so it is easier to throw his feet on the table.A further triggered imitation effect! Seeing millionaire freely arranged and showing the perfect shoes, everyone wants to feel like a boss.

It turns out this habit - the norm and has a right to exist? Yes of course! It improves blood flow, facilitates the circulation and even is the prevention of varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Besides, if everything related to such displays absolutely calm, then why not?
Interesting fact. As evidence of the success can lead to President Abraham Lincoln - he just had such a chromosomal "breakdown."
It's just elementary disrespect to the companion
And plant a pig at the table, she and feet on the table! (Russian proverb). And do not rely on tired!
Do it at home and had no problems. I did not want to have a companion with such a habit, do not care what it's status.
Dad, amerikosov was a big pig, or boar, see zoofilich there was developed there and the habits of their swinish!
Because the street clean. Yeah. Even there is no dust. Sure. And more blood drain. The reason is one, it is a wild country in which they live cattle with appropriate habits. Sick already from such Kholui vyperdonov as this little article. Fu, there is a need to be so miserable gadonyshem!
Chogo something neither tatarvy, neither Cossacks nor the Kazakhs, Mongols nor such boorish habits are not stuck.