A sedentary lifestyle and its consequences - one of the most important problems of our time. And this applies to both adults and children. Adults most of the time sitting in offices, children - in school and at home with homework, and all of them together - at their computers. The seat itself brings a lot of damage, and if you still do not abide by the rules and landing at the table, the health consequences can be very negative. Violation posture, spinal disease eventually lead to disruption of the internal organs and the negative influence on the organism as a whole.
How to sit at the table with the letter
The content of the article
How to sit at the table with the letter
- staging posture
Criteria furniture writing for correct fit
- The height of the desk and chair
- inclined table
- How to sit at the table during meals
- How to develop a habit to sit at the table
If you have to for a long time to maintain a sitting position of the body, it is necessary to observe certain rules of planting. This applies to setting posture, as well as the location of the hands and feet.
reference: People with spinal problems often suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, gastritis. They may have constipation and bloating. Headache and blurred vision - constant companions of improper planting.
staging posture
Sitting at the table, it can not be too lean forward or backward. The back should always be straight. On tilting the forward upper body weight is increased, and this creates an additional burden on the waist. If the body leans back, experiencing increased tension of the neck muscles. spinal deviation from the vertical position also leads to incorrect hand position.
The back of man sitting at the table should always be flat, it should touch the back of the chair, as if relying on it. Ideally, if the chair has a special lip - the so-called lumbar support - and headrest. And another important rule: between the chest and the table should remain away. Do not sit close to a table, and all the more to lean on him.
Staging hands. The basic rule - elbows should lie completely on the table. This reduces the stress of the hands and prevents pain in the wrist.
As should be placed feet. When setting the legs should follow the principle of a right angle: angle between the thighs and body, and between the thighs and knees should be about 90 degrees. Feet should touch the floor completely. Shins must be positioned vertically and hips - horizontal to the floor. It is better not to put your foot on the leg and preloading them for yourself, as this leads to circulatory problems.
Criteria furniture writing for correct fit
It is very difficult to take a comfortable position at the table, if the chair and table are selected properly. Correct, comfortable furniture is able to remove most of the load of the spine.
The height of the desk and chair
Proper fit can only provide adjustable desk and chair. This means that the height of the furniture should be adjusted in line with the growth of man. This is especially important for children, whose growth can change fast enough. Chair height should be adjusted so that the seat is just below the knees. Seat depth should be such that the hips do not touch the front edge. The backrest of the chair should be tightly close to the back and to act as its support.
To determine the height of the table, you can use the following rule: the elbow lowered the hand of man sitting at the table should be below countertop to 5-6 centimeters.
inclined table
Tilt countertops important to a notebook or book at the correct distance from the eyes. It is inadmissible to approach the table top, tilting while back. This situation inevitably leads to stoop, and back pain. When reading the angle of inclination should be approximately 30 degrees, writing - 15. During drawing table tilt angle may be zero or equal to 5 degrees.
Important: Proper planting promotes good blood circulation, which in turn, reduces fatigue and increases efficiency. If you must sit for a long time, breaks in the movement should be done every half hour.
How to sit at the table during meals
Table etiquette is almost fully in line with the rules of convenient from the point of view of health, planting. During the meal, you need to sit up straight without tilting back over the plate. You may be able to lean back in his chair. It is necessary to bring a spoon or fork to his mouth, not mouth to reach utensils. This will also be the prevention of scoliosis and stagnation in the neck. Bent at the elbows should be kept close beside the body. Do not sit on the seat still need to take only a small part of it.
How to develop a habit to sit at the table
If you're already accustomed to properly sit at a table to correct the situation will be quite difficult. At first it may seem that back in the correct position, on the contrary, it starts to hurt. This is due to the fact that the information was already fixed in your brain about the position in which the body should be in a sitting position, and he perceives this information as correct. Retraining should be gradual.
- First we need to find and fix a couple of minutes the right fit at the table.
- The basis of all - the correct position of the pelvis in the chair. It is necessary to take a comfortable position, evenly distributing weight on the ischial tuberosity.
- The back should be placed with your feet - at right angles.
- The body position should be comfortable for you. We must try to remember it and remain in this position for a short time.
To help the body adjust to the correct position, it is advisable to use a chair with support for the back. There are also special rollers and pads on the chair, the purpose of which - to provide good lumbar support and relieve the spine.