Do-it-yourself bed for dolls: how to make a do-it-yourself bed for dolls, a barbie, a cardboard bed, step-by-step instructions

Modern dolls are not easy toys, but full-fledged characters of real life, only in miniature. They have many outfits, go to work, eat, attend parties, sleep in comfortable beds. The latter can be done by yourself, using various materials for this. This is interesting and fascinating, because you can turn your wildest ideas into reality. How to make a bed for dolls with your own hands and is it really so simple?

Bed for dolls

We master a bed for dolls independently

The content of the article

  • We master a bed for dolls independently
  • Choose material for future furniture
    • Cardboard use
    • Plywood bed
    • We use matchboxes
    • Wooden panel furniture
    • Foam Products
    • Polystyrene bed and toothpicks
    • We assemble a paper construction
    • Putting school rulers in business
    • Other materials
  • Cardboard bed for Barbie
    • Step-by-step instruction

A doll bed can be made from almost any material, with paper, wood and cardboard structures being the most common. Various shoe boxes, small household appliances are perfect for this, besides they are quite durable. Cots can be either single or double, triple, bunk, but all of them must meet the following criteria:

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  • drawing of each detail in compliance with the selected proportions;
  • the size of the crib should be 6–7 cm larger than the doll’s height.

TIP. Before starting work, it is recommended to put on paper a model of the future product with an indication of all sizes and places for bonding parts. This will greatly simplify the task and save you a lot of time.

Bed for dolls

Choose material for future furniture

The material should be selected based on the size of the doll, as well as the number of interior items. If you want to make only a bed, then it is permissible to use simple and not very durable materials, and if a set of furniture - then it is better to choose something stronger and more durable. The same applies to the products that small children will play - they must be strong and reliable.

In addition to the “building” material, you will need: scissors, a stapler and staples, pencils, screws and a screwdriver, glue, color markers, fabric, paints. It is easiest to make a mattress from foam rubber, and you can also sew full linen from the fabric.

Cardboard use

Cardboard beds are the most popular due to the prevalence of the material. Boxes are cut into separate elements, after which:

  1. Bed for dolls - detailsPencil marks the size of future elements.
  2. Details are cut out and then glued together in a single design.
  3. The crib is decorated with pieces of white sheets that are pre-coated with glue.
  4. After closing all the joints, beautiful colorful paper is glued to the furniture.

In conclusion, it is desirable to cover the crib with varnish, which will significantly extend its service life, after which we place the bedding in it.

Plywood bed

Plywood has sufficient strength and affordable price, products from it are easy to maintain and assemble. Making a crib takes place in several steps:

  1. All elements are applied in exact accordance with the dimensions on a sheet of paper, cut out, then transferred to plywood and sawn.
  2. Finished fragments are ground, painted in the desired colors and dried, after which they are assembled in a single design.

NOTE. At the joints, glue is applied first, which should be allowed to dry slightly, and then fasten the parts and press with force for several seconds.

Plywood opens up great opportunities for decoration. In addition to simple staining, patterns can be burned, sawed, engraved, applied with paints, etc.

Bed for dolls

We use matchboxes

In addition to a few matchboxes, you will need colored paper. The boxes are glued together, they are placed vertically on the sides, forming backs, and then glued with plain paper, which will give the product strength and stability. In conclusion, the whole structure is pasted over with colored paper, decorated with buttons or rhinestones, after which a mattress and linen are placed in it.

Wooden panel furniture

Universal and environmentally friendly, as well as high-strength material, the bed of which will be solid and durable. To the previously listed tools will need to add a drill, sandpaper, jigsaw. The procedure is as follows:

  1. All models are transferred to a tree, and then cut with a jigsaw. A drill is needed to make holes, if necessary.
  2. Finished elements are checked for compliance with all sizes, and then carefully rubbed with an emery cloth until smooth.
  3. The pencil marks the places of future fixtures, the whole structure is folded and fixed with screws.

Finally, the finished bed is varnished and left to dry completely, after which bedding is placed in it. Particularly successful will be the use of varnish, showing the structure of a tree - such furniture looks incomparable.

Bed for dolls

Foam Products

Cheap and cheerful. For the crib you will need a piece of foam rubber used to make the base and the fabric with which we then wrap it. The material is given any shape, if desired, after which it is necessary to make a colorful blanket, pillows and place the crib against the wall with a rug - it will seem so that it has a back.

Polystyrene bed and toothpicks

To make it, you will need a piece of polystyrene foam, a toothpick and a piece of fabric. The process is as follows:

  • We cut out a piece of polystyrene, in accordance with the size of the future crib, which we wrap with a cloth.
  • If desired, you can put a thin layer of synthetic winterizer on top, which we fix with a needle and thread, which creates the shape of a real mattress in miniature.
  • For the frame we take polystyrene, cardboard and toothpicks. We cut out cardboard parts and fasten them into a single structure, on the edges of which we fasten toothpicks, which play the role of legs. They can be decorated with various curls, tips, which also applies to the back, on the surface of which patterns are easily applied with a stencil with glue.

In conclusion, the entire structure should be painted or varnished and left to dry completely.

We assemble a paper construction

Bed for dollsNot the most durable furniture, but for the design of the dollhouse is quite suitable. To produce it, you need thick paper with landscape sheets, adhesive tape, ribbons and thin wire. First, the elements of the future bed are cut out of paper, in accordance with the scheme, which are duplicated by durable paper, for rigidity. In the process of gluing between the paper layers we place a thin wire that will hold the entire structure and prevent it from disintegrating. All elements are carefully attached to each other and left until the glue completely dries.

Putting school rulers in business

School rulers are good in that their width is the same, and besides, they are pre-processed. Depending on the size of the future crib, you can choose rulers of various widths. The process is very simple - first of all, fragments of the desired length (for the back and bottom) are cut off, at which the attachment points are marked. Glue is applied to all joints, which should dry slightly, and then we connect the elements with force, tighten them with masking tape and wait for the structure to dry out. In conclusion, the crib is painted and bedding is placed in it.

Other materials

Unusual material for the bed are ice cream sticks, which will need 18 pieces. The crib is made quickly and for this you need:

  1. Rinse the sticks and degrease them with alcohol, strong alcohol, and then lay them on paper towels until they dry completely.
  2. Cut 1 stick in half, then attach 5 more sticks to each half just below the middle.
  3. Combine the resulting structures with two sticks, and lay out the base of the crib with the rest.

Furniture is decorated, decorated and, after complete drying, a mattress and linen are placed on it.

Bed for dolls

Cardboard bed for Barbie

Many girls dream of Barbie, who love her for her beauty, however, the cost of the toy cannot be called low, which also applies to accessories. For this reason, it is advisable to make a bed for her on her own, but she must be irresistible - to match the doll.

Step-by-step instruction

First of all, you should make measurements of the doll, so that later the furniture slightly exceeds its height. We also prepare materials: thick cardboard, scissors, pencils, cloth and glue. The manufacturing process is simple:

  • /First of all, the headboard and back are cut out of cardboard, which are pasted over with a cloth and deposited until completely dry;
  • a couch is cut out, but for greater realism and attractiveness, cotton or foam rubber is placed under the fabric with which we wrap it;
  • after all the elements have dried, they are joined together, while pencils are used as legs.

In order to make a unique and stylish crib for dolls, it is not necessary to be an experienced specialist - it is enough to have perseverance and patience. Such furniture is especially appreciated if a girl acts as a source of ideas and inspiration, who will then take care and care of her.

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