How to assemble an attic bed: instructions on where to place it better

The compact "two-story" furniture design with a sleeping area equipped on the second tier is called an attic bed. This type of furniture is especially relevant in residential areas with a small area. It can be a "Khrushchev", one-room apartment, a small children's bedroom.

Design Features of the Attic Bed

The content of the article

  • Design Features of the Attic Bed
  • Assembly Instructions for the Attic Bed
  • How to assemble a ladder for a bed
  • Where is it better to place an attic bed indoors

Design Features of the Attic BedThis design differs from the two-tier in that it has only one berth, which is located on the second tier. The lower part remains free and is filled with various furniture necessary for a comfortable stay.

When choosing the size of a berth, it is necessary to consider for whom it is intended:

Who is the frame for? Frame Height / mm Size of a berth / mm
Children (under 10 years old / 10-14 years old) 750–1600 1600 x 800/1700 x 900
Teens 1600–1800 1900 x 900
Adults 1800–2000 2000 x 900

The design of the loft bed itself consists of two main parts:

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  • Frame with stairs;
  • Sleeping place.

The free space under the bed base can be additionally equipped with built-in or suitable finished furniture:

  • Desk;
  • Shelves for books;
  • Cupboard;
  • Bedside table;
  • Swedish wall;
  • Boxes for linen and toys.

The frame is the most important component of furniture, as it bears the main load. It must be strong, safe and durable.

Important! The most suitable for the frame are metal and wood. A construction made of MDF or chipboard will not be able to withstand heavy loads and is inferior to wood in environmental friendliness.

A place to sleep should be primarily comfortable. The bed usually rests on 4 or 2 racks. Sometimes there are designs in which the berth is fixed on the ceiling with special fasteners.

In order to prevent falls, the bed should be equipped with a side, the height of which is greater than the height of the mattress.

The base of the bed can be:

  1. Solid (this is not too hygienic, since the mattress is not ventilated, moisture accumulates in it);
  2. Rack (consisting of lamellas located at a distance from each other, which makes it possible for air to flow into the mattress).

The staircase can be vertical, inclined or “podium”. In the latter case, the ends of the steps are used as drawers. This part of the structure must be strong and reliable in order to avoid injuries.

Important! When choosing the "attic" design, it is necessary to take into account the features of the person for whom it is intended - height, weight, age.

Assembly Instructions for the Attic Bed

Assembly Instructions for the Attic BedWhen equipping a room with this type of furniture, you can go in two ways:

  • To purchase a ready-made bed, a large selection of which is presented in furniture stores and in online stores;
  • To establish a design made to order or with your own hands, embodying your design preferences in the project.

Do not reinvent the wheel. On the Internet there are many schemes, drawings and instructions for the manufacture and assembly of an attic type bed. Consider the general algorithm as an example of the simplest model, the most common one - a frame with 4 supports.

In the manufacture of the frame for the "attic" is most often used wood, in particular pine. Such designs are distinguished by reliability, durability and environmental friendliness.

To assemble the frame, you need to prepare the tools:

  • Hacksaw or jigsaw, for sawing wooden parts;
  • Screwdriver or drill;
  • Roulette, level, pencil;
  • Sandpaper or grinder;
  • Fasteners (euroscrews, finishing nails);
  • Stain, varnish, wood glue, brush;
  • Necessary accessories, metal corners.

What is needed for the frame:

  • A wooden beam of the necessary section (depending on the weight of the person for whom the bed is intended);
  • Wooden slats for sheathing stairs and railings (meter to calculate according to the drawing);
  • Lamels (slats) for covering the bottom of the bed.

The work on the manufacture and assembly of the frame includes the following steps:

  • Sawing of all wooden parts according to the dimensions of the drawing;
  • Careful grinding of wooden parts;
  • Processing prepared parts with stain;
  • Drilling holes for mounting elements;
  • Before joining the parts, glue the areas that are attached to each other with glue;
  • Collection of bed frames;
  • The assembly of the frame is the main stage of work, in which the frame is connected with the supporting bars.

Important! In order for the design to turn out to be reliable, it is necessary to strictly observe the dimensions of the parts, check the strength of the joints and check all installation stages with a level.

The final stage of work is finishing, coating with paint or varnish.

How to assemble a ladder for a bed

How to assemble a ladder for an attic bedHow to assemble an attic bed? The instruction is clear. Assembling a ladder for a bed is a crucial and important point. A stable and sturdy staircase will help to avoid falls and injuries.

The steps for assembling a ladder are no different from assembling a frame:

  • You must choose the type of stairs (vertical, horizontal or podium);
  • Saw boards and bars according to the dimensions indicated in the drawing;
  • Grind bumps and cuts;
  • Treat with stain;
  • Drill holes for fastening elements;
  • Using fasteners, glue and metal corners to assemble the stairs;
  • Open the finished structure with varnish or paint.

Important! The ladder should not be made of slippery material. It is advisable to equip it with a railing.

Where is it better to place an attic bed indoors

Where is it better to place an attic bed indoorsThe choice of place for an attic bed should be taken very seriously. The emotional state of a person, his mental and physical activity depend on a sound and restful sleep.

Important! When choosing the design of the loft bed, you should first take into account the height of the room. From the ceiling to the bed, the distance should be 60–70 cm or more.

The design should not be placed under the window to avoid direct sunlight in the summer heat and drafts in the cold season.

Do not install the structure on the door-window line. Not a good solution would be a dull and dark corner, with poor ventilation and lighting.

It is best to install furniture in the corner between adjacent walls, on the side of the window.

Important! Remember:

  • Warm air rises, so on the second tier it is stuffy and too dry (you should take care of a humidifier);
  • In the "attic" there is insufficient lighting, so you should think about additional light sources in advance.

The main advantages provided by the installation of an attic bed, especially in cramped spaces, are:

  • Space optimization;
  • Functionality;
  • The possibility of zoning;
  • Ergonomic
  • Original design decision.

These and other advantages allow you to make a choice in favor of this type of design. Regardless of whether you buy finished furniture, order it to craftsmen, or make and assemble it yourself, the loft bed will become a full-fledged furniture set that can solve many different household tasks.

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