Problems with the laser printer and print quality can be attributed to expiration of the cartridge. However, it is difficult to even determine when it will fail. Materials and parts for printers are made by different manufacturers using different raw materials and technologies, and the exact duration of operation for different machines can vary significantly.
How to determine the expiration date of a laser printer cartridge
The content of the article
- How to determine the expiration date of a laser printer cartridge
- Differences in the expiration dates of cartridges of different manufacturers
We can say with confidence that the shelf life of the toner in the form of a powder until refueling is several years, subject to the rules for storing the material (dark, dry and dry place). For laser printers, it is from two to three years, more precisely, you can only say by recognizing the name of the company. Unpacked toner can be used during the year, in the future it will become worthless. Typically, the year of manufacture and time of use are marked on each product.
Note! The printer may become unusable with occasional use, so it is important to regularly operate and refuel it.
Differences in the expiration dates of cartridges of different manufacturers
If it is impossible to determine “freshness” with confidence, it is useful to know for what period of time products from the main manufacturers in the world of printing on laser printers are designed.
- HP (Hewlett Packard). The maximum storage time is 30 months from the date of manufacture indicated on the package;
- Xerox. The end face of the toner is usually stamped, where the date of manufacture is indicated on the print. The first four digits of the stamp are the time of issue. The term is three full years;
- Epson The manufacturer indicates on the toner not only the production date, but also the number after which the toner cannot be used;
- Canon In some cases, the date of manufacture is indicated on the laser cartridges, and sometimes the time until which it must be used. The term is three years.
To maintain high print quality, we recommend that you purchase only fresh cartridges and do not allow the printer to stagnate. Regardless of the manufacturer’s company, the shelf life will be at least twelve months, during which the cartridge can be safely used.