When you connect your network printer password is requested: how to find the password, how to create a user connecting the printer directly to the network.

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Connecting the printer to a network.The printer is designed to print the necessary documents. In general, when it is operated by users do not have problems, the work process is described in detail in the instructions. However, to extend the capabilities of equipment you need to connect to the network. In order to make the network printer, you need to properly log in. All the necessary information can be found in the manual technique. If the process connection is required to enter a password, many users are wondering about where to find it.

How do I know the password, if the printer requests it when you connect

The content of the article

  • How do I know the password, if the printer requests it when you connect
  • How to create a user connecting the printer directly to the network

Until the password is entered all work-related devices will be suspended.

REFERENCE! If the printer is for personal use is not a big problem, but in the office, this situation can create serious difficulties.

There are several solutions to the problem. First, search for the requested password and enter it. Follow these steps:

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  1. Inspect housing equipment manufacturers supplying apparatus special labels or seals with the designation code or access key.
  2. Read the instruction manual of the equipment. There must be a method described compound and the requested data.
  3. If the documents have been lost, and the sticker body erased, you can use the system settings to search for passwords. System Preferences to find passwords.
  4. In the line of the main menu, enter the search phrase "View network connections". Then select the desired item from the proposed list of networks and go to item "status".
  5. In the dialog box, locate the line "Security" and make the password visible to the user clicking on a button display hidden characters. Doing password visible to the user.

Upon detection of all the necessary data, enter them in the line connected printer, then access to the system should be restored. If not, contact your dealer or call a service technician for installation.

How to create a user connecting the printer directly to the network

After the successful execution of the instruction and access the network connection, you can use the user creation function for recording and quick access to program features. Also, create a new user can solve the access problem, if the introduction of a password does not work. This can be done as follows:

  1. Go to the printer settings and network connection. The user-defined window, delete old data, make a new user account using the changed parameters.
  2. Save all the changes made, and then restart the computer. After some time, activate the device and reconnect with a new user.
Create a user connecting to the network.

In addition, it is recommended to edit through a special program for the local group input settings from other devices interfaced. Prohibit entry to a previous version of your account.

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