Where to rent an old printer for money or exchange

WHERE TO RENT AN OLD PRINTER FOR MONEY Nowadays, virtually any device due to the constant introduction of new technologies into production is pretty fast become obsolete, but if the buyer is not chasing new products, then the equipment simply develops its resource and goes to landfill. Printers in this case are far from an exception, and when the printing device finally breaks down, wearing out its resource, or it’s just becoming morally obsolete, its owner raises the quite reasonable question of where to put the old, bulky device.

Where can I rent an old printer for money

The content of the article

  • Where can I rent an old printer for money
  • Where to sell an old printer?

In general, there are only three profitable ways to market an old printer:

  • Sell ​​to Details
  • Use the services of a buying company
  • Exchange with surcharge

Each method should be considered in more detail.

Exchange. In cases where there was a bulk purchase of equipment, a store, if there are relevant documents for outdated equipment, can satisfy the request of the client to replace a batch of old devices with new ones with a small surcharge from the buyer. Unfortunately, in our country, not all sellers of office equipment offer such services to their customers. In any case, no one forbids trying to find out from the seller whether the exchange of old equipment for new with surcharge is possible.

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Attention! You can try to find several printer repair shops in the city yourself, and try to turn in the device for a certain fee to their specialists, however, there is no guarantee that the masters in them will show interest in buying used devices.

The amount that a client can receive in such a case greatly depends on the current state of the printer and the prevalence of such models.

Where to sell an old printer?

OLD PRINTERAnalysis and sale of spare parts. The fact is that even with the final breakdown of the device in its case most often there remains a huge number of serviceable and completely working parts that may be needed by certain people. Many users post ads on online forums or topic communities of social networks about selling spare parts for a particular printer model, and often buyers for these parts are pretty fast are located. Spare parts are usually bought by those people who are engaged in repairs themselves.

Sale to a buying company. In addition to all of the above methods for implementing an old printer, in many large cities of our countries also there are buying companies offering their services to anyone who wants to get rid of used technicians. The advantages of contacting such companies include:

  • Save time, because even transportation of equipment to the company can be carried out by its specialists.
  • Solving the problem of recycling, especially important for large companies.
  • Save money on repairs, because the equipment is taken in a different condition.
  • The actual profit from the sale of obsolete devices.

Attention! Most companies buying second-hand printers try to provide their customers with favorable conditions, but most often the final price sales of equipment to such companies is not more than 50% of its initial cost, and then in cases where the condition of the equipment is close to perfect.

In addition to the printers themselves, you can sell many accessories for them. For example, even used cartridges for laser devices are very popular in the secondary market.

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