How to choose a 3d printer: for home, for small business

Choosing a device for three-dimensional printing is not the most trivial task. This choice should be approached thoroughly.How to choose a 3d printer

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to clearly determine why this printer is needed and what will be printed on it. Proceeding already, the necessary model should be selected.

IMPORTANT. You should be aware that three-dimensional printing devices are not intended for mass replication of a product. It may be useful if necessary to create a prototype of the part, print a small part. This may bring some income.

If you absolutely know for what reason you are acquiring such a device, decide on the plastic for the task.

IMPORTANT. Modern models have color displays, the ability to connect over a local network or via Wi-Fi, many are equipped with a web camera to make it possible to remotely monitor work. The platform is automatically calibrated. Such functionality is very convenient, but it does not appear in any way on how high-quality printing will be.

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All plastics that are used for printing are divided into two groups. The first group includes ABS plastic, and the second includes PLA plastics. When selecting a printer, it is plastic that will become an important point, since they are different in their properties and in printing technology.

IMPORTANT. If you plan to print ABS plastic, then you need to consider that he needs a hermetically sealed chamber and having a heated table.

For PLA plastic, heating the table is not important, but it requires good airflow.

What is a 3D printer and what is it for.

The content of the article

  • What is a 3D printer and what is it for.
  • How to choose a 3D printer for home use.
  • 3D printer in small business
  • Conclusion

3D printerA three-dimensional printer is considered to be a device that, based on a 3D computer model, recreates object, the formation of the object occurs by applying layers of rapidly hardening material. A prototype model can be prepared in any editor. All printers that currently exist are divided into different categories:

  • FDM and DIW, apply the extrusion method in their work. Liquid material is squeezed through a thin nozzle. The main difference in the material used. In the first case, it is molten plastic; in the second type of printer, ceramic slurry is used;
  • printers belonging to the SLA-DLP type operate on the basis of the photopolymerization technique. The liquid polymer, which is fed by the device, solidifies in layers by treatment with an ultraviolet laser;
  • EBF 3D printers include devices that use a wire that melts electron radiation;
  • the next type applies a layer-by-layer film and in each layer of this film a part contour is cut by a laser;
  • there are devices that pointly supply powder and are melted by a laser (or using electromagnetic radiation);
  • there are printers that use the multi-ink printing technique, while you can print not in one but in several colors at once;
  • Bioprinters belong to a special category. These devices only go through the stage of development and implementation. Their purpose is the seal of human internal organs based on living cells.

How to choose a 3D printer for home use.

Although devices for three-dimensional printing are more and more distributed, but their price is still quite high. Therefore, in order to use such a device in a home, it makes no sense to purchase. It will be enough to stop at a bar of three thousand. The choice will depend on the monetary capabilities and the requirements that will be presented to print quality.

A home 3D printer should have a simple, user-friendly interface and a good balance of price-quality ratio. Apparatuses for home use can be divided into categories:

  • Budget models include those that range from three hundred to a thousand dollars;
  • up to one and a half thousand dollars belong to the middle class;
  • high-end printers, but with an affordable price of up to three thousand dollars.

The most common models include the following:

  • Printrbot Simple. This model costs $ 300, goes on sale in the form of a designer, which must be assembled. This approach makes the model more compact during transportation and helps to better understand the principle and mechanics of the device;
Printrbot Simple.
  • Kino XYZ printing da Vinci 1.0 Brand new XYZ printing production model. The printer is characterized by high print resolution, comparable to higher-end models. When working, the principle of layer-by-layer printing with molten plastic is applied;
Kino XYZ printing da Vinci 1.0
  • Cubify CubeX. It belongs to the middle class. The price of this device is 1300 dollars. It is characterized by good print quality and high model creation speed. On sale there are three versions of this model differing in the number of extruders.
Cubify CubeX.
  • Afinia H-Series H479. This device is characterized by high printing accuracy, convenient software, the object is printed with a thread of ABS plastic. The price of this model is one and a half thousand dollars.
Afinia H-Series H479.

3D printer in small business

Three-dimensional printing today is one of the promising areas in small business. Using these devices, it is easy to establish the production of small batches of different goods. At the same time, large cash investments are not required.

But in order to be successful in such a business, you need to choose the right printer model. The most suitable will be those that meet the requirements:

  • The device should have high print quality, which will ensure the creation of a realistic model, and this automatically filters out all devices cheaper than a thousand dollars;
  • must be capable of color printing (such devices include FDM, DIW, 3DP and EBF printers);
  • the printer must be able to use at least two types of plastic (PLA and ABS). This will expand the opportunities for work and produce goods for children. PLA plastic, as more environmentally friendly, is designed specifically for creating children's products;
  • the cost of consumables for three-dimensional printing should be such that the final production is cost-effective;
  • the dimensions of the chamber must be consistent with the intended production.

But in any case, the final choice lies entirely with the user and depends on the business that is planned to be engaged. For small crafts extrusion printers are quite suitable. And for the jewelry industry or dentistry, photopolymer devices are needed.


3D printers has tremendous development potential. But, like any technology, it has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Key positive qualities:

  • high speed low laborious process. One printer can replace an entire production line of machines and other expensive equipment;
  • space for creativity, on the printer you can recreate any object;
  • profitability;
  • can be used in medicine in the manufacture of prostheses and implants.

Existing Cons:

  • high price;
  • size limit;
  • danger of printing weapons.
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