How to print the last document on the printer: through the printer and driver settings

how to print the last document on the printerA personal computer and modern computer devices for outputting graphic and textual information are an integral part of our life. And the more confident users feel at the PC and the more freely they know various tips, the faster it starts to work. With regular use of the equipment, perhaps the main question for users is how to save time searching and repeating the last document? In this article, we will provide two options and draw up a sequence of actions.

Under what conditions can reprint on the printer

The content of the article

  • Under what conditions can reprint on the printer
  • Ways to reprint the last document
    • Using printer settings
  • Using a printer driver

It should be remembered that hardware does not save instances by defaultthat were being processed.

Re-printing is carried out only on the material that has a saved copy on a PC.

But, if the parameters are set to “Save documents after printing”, users will be able to use the main memory of the equipment as additional storage.

Ways to reprint the last document

instagram viewer

There are two ways to repeat the last document:

  • printer setup;
  • installation of a special driver.

Using printer settings

Before the next action you will need to configure the equipment.

printer setup
  • Open the "Control Panel".
  • Go to the "Printers and Faxes" section.
  • Open file".
  • Open "Server Properties".
  • Select “Advanced options” and check the box “Keep a queue message log”.

IMPORTANT! If there is no checkmark in the line, you can view only errors and system warnings.

Once the printers settings are set, it is recommended to go to work with the document.

  • Open My Computer.
  • Go to the "Management" section.
  • Open the "View Actions".
  • Open the "System".
  • Select the “View” button and set the filter. In the new window, go to the "Filter" tab and set the value "Print" in the line "Event Source". Click the OK button.

Using a printer driver

Special software applications help users not only print the latest materials, but also track statistics on printed copies.

O&K Print Watch

O&K Print Watch is one of the programs that can be downloaded on the official website.

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