How to print a cash register receipt on a regular printer?

paper tray When buying in stores at the checkout, a special check is always issued, it can be ordinary or commodity (a purchase document with special designations). If you look at its appearance and format, you can see several distinctive features, the main of which are the following features:

  • The quality of the paper, it is thinner and glossy.
  • The dimensions of the sheet are usually in the form of a rectangular strip.
  • Using special inks.
  • When you touch with your fingers on the paper there are no greasy marks, ink does not smear.

Only the equipment intended for this will help to achieve such results, but in some cases it is necessary to restore the check. For example, in case of loss or moisture. In this case, you need to re-receive the cashier's check. We will describe how to perform this manipulation using a conventional printer.

IMPORTANT: Format and quality may vary from the original. For greater similarity, it is recommended to purchase special paper and set up the printer.

Can I print a cash register receipt on a regular printer?

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The content of the article

  • Can I print a cash register receipt on a regular printer?
  • Do I need to use special programs?
  • Instructions: how to check on a regular printer

If you are faced with the need to restore information about the purchase or wish to print the data on paper, you should contact the cashier or a special terminal for printing. There you will be able to receive a cash and sales receipt, depending on the purpose of the purchase. But unfortunately, there is not always time and opportunity to reach the nearest store, and it will be quite difficult to restore the history of operations.

Therefore, the question arises about the possibility of using a home printer for this purpose. Of course, these devices help to receive various documents and files, they translate information from electronic form to paper format. But different models will produce different quality. A heat-treated printer specially designed for this purpose is best suited for this purpose.

check formatWhen using inkjet or laser versions, the print will be smeared or fade, so in this case it will be easy to calculate a fake. If you have special equipment, you can start printing. But in the case of a conventional printer, you should not expect an excellent result and similarities with the original.

To perform this manipulation, it is enough to save the check sheet in a text editor in order to send it for printing in the future. In this case, you will receive a copy on a sheet of the specified format. However, when printing on plain paper with standard parameters, the quality will significantly differ from the checks used in cash registers of stores.

IMPORTANT: In modern methods of printing receipts, thermal tape and a special type of ink are used.

Do I need to use special programs?

In this case, you should decide why you need to restore the purchase information. If you just need to display the history on paper, just use the standard set of programs:

  1. Save the electronic template or create a spreadsheet for the sales receipt in the editor.
  2. In a text editor, format the appearance, the way it is placed on the page.
  3. Connect the equipment to the network and ensure synchronization with the computer.
  4. Send the file for printing by clicking on the appropriate button in the dialog box.
  5. After that, the page prints on a paper sheet. Do not rush to get it, let the paint dry.

printing a receipt on a printerIn the case of providing all the data for the report, you need to do everything strictly in accordance with the requirements. In this case, you will need to install a program with a special set of fonts for printing receipts, it can be downloaded from the Internet. Choose one of the options, install it on your computer.

Instructions: how to check on a regular printer

check layout setup

If you decide to use a regular printer, but you want to create a similar copy, you need to use the following scheme of work:

  1. Use a special program with a set of fonts for the type of receipt format. Enter the data and print the sheet.
  2. You can use the graphic template of the sales receipt in Microsoft Word, enter values ​​for each line, send it for printing. In this case, a special tape for the check should be attached to a sheet of paper.
  3. Another way is to scan. Use an old unnecessary check as a sample. Enter the image into the document and edit the desired positions. After that print the received version, also having attached a strip of the corresponding paper.
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