A laptop is a great alternative to a desktop computer. Autonomous, mobile, powerful, lightweight - these are not dreams, but modern reality. Today, the industry offers a wide selection of laptops: different in performance, size, screen size, purpose, color, price - you can go crazy before deciding which one to buy. This article will help you understand what laptops are and how to choose them correctly.
What are the types of laptops
The content of the article
- What are the types of laptops
- How laptops are classified
- How to choose a laptop
Miniature computers can be divided into several categories according to the following criteria:
- Price: here it is clear - low price, middle price segment and high cost. On a financial basis, when buying such a product, the consumer is already divided into groups: “who can afford it”.
- Functional abilities and tasks that the laptop is capable of performing. We will talk more about this later.
- Size and diagonal. This category can be divided into groups: the diagonal of 7-10 inches - netbooks, 11-13 - subnotebooks (the device is smaller than standard, but with almost the same functionality), 14-16 inches is the standard, and 16 and more serves as a replacement for the desktop PC.
- Configuration - the developers offer both a standard form and a hybrid one (a touch screen that is removable and works in tablet format).
- Manufacturer - in any industry, it is he who is responsible for the quality of materials, assembly, innovation and, of course, the final cost of the product. Today, there are many companies that offer options for every taste and budget. The competition in this business is extremely high.
Important! The classification of each laptop directly depends on what "filling" is inside it.
Also, the manufacturer has a great influence on the final product and its cost. Serious disputes between fans and opponents of the famous Apple company have long been raging in the world. The subject of dispute: is the equipment of this manufacturer worth the price that is being asked for it. Or all this is an extra surcharge for the name. We will not take sides, but this situation is the most indicative of the meaning of the name in the manufacture of technology.
How laptops are classified
Still, a more professional classification is the group of laptops by tasks - budget, universal, gaming, for business, image-based, protected. We will talk about each category separately.
- Budget ones speak for themselves. Designed to perform simple tasks. Low cost is the reason for such productivity, short-term work without recharging and numerous "Visas" and "glitches" when trying to perform a task that is slightly more than exceeding the requirements for this type notebooks. Of the advantages - low cost. If the user is not demanding - ideal.
Universal - the middle segment both in price and in capabilities. Watch a movie, work, play a game that is not the most difficult (according to technical requirements) - this laptop can do everything.
- Gaming (or gaming) "machines" are designed for heavy games at maximum performance. Equipped with powerful processors, video cards and a large amount of RAM and hard disk space. True, they are "like the wing of an airplane."
- Fashion can often be combined into one with a laptop for business. Both of these types are more often preferred by business people who value both the quality of the device and its appearance. Such PCs are designed to work efficiently and quickly, have high autonomy, often have good protection against hacking and “expensive” appearance. Even precious stones can be used in the decor.
- Protected computers are needed for those people who often find themselves in difficult weather conditions. This technique can withstand not only shock, but also heat, frost, high humidity or dust, and so on. It is made of high-quality and durable materials: metal, carbon fiber, glass of high security.
How to choose a laptop
Based on the foregoing, to choose a laptop, you need to answer yourself to five simple questions:
For what purposes do I need a laptop?
- What price am I willing to pay?
- What screen size do I need? What weight and size?
- Does design matter?
- Is the name of the manufacturer important to me?
By honestly answering yourself, you can easily narrow your search and choose the right device.
Important! Think about which operating system you would like to use. Basically, users get used to a particular OS and change it to another they no longer dare.
Are you ready to take this step if necessary and do you have time to get comfortable with the new product? This will also help make the right decision. Have a good shopping!