Notebook constantly reboots: what to do when the laptop reboots itself

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Restart.Today, laptops are choosing a large number of people. In the presence of the respective characteristics, they can be a complete substitute for the system unit. However, as users of desktop computers, laptop owners are faced with a variety of malfunctions. One of them is a spontaneous reboot the product.

Why notebook constantly reboots

The content of the article

  • Why notebook constantly reboots
  • What if the computer reboots itself

The reasons why the laptop is rebooted independently, there may be several. But all of them can be divided into two types: software and hardware.

By the software include:

  1. Viruses. It is one of the most common. If you are using a laptop that does not have a special protection program, it leads to the appearance of the device the risk of infection by various malware. Its presence in these programs "demonstrate" in different ways. With the device may begin to disappear the information or it begins to spontaneously shut down every hour.
  2. Driver version mismatch. Installing the driver, which does not match the version of the operating system windose gives rise to various faults, including can cause reboot the laptop.
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    The notebook is rebooted independently.

Hardware reasons:

  1. CPU overheating. The small size of the device does not allow you to set it efficient cooling system. This leads to the fact that in the process of using this product, the processor overheats. Heating the chip triggers a protection system that restarts the notebook.
  2. Power Supply. For stable operation of a laptop is important to ensure the quality of power supply. Therefore, power supply failure can lead to restart the product.
  3. Motherboard. "Motherboard" is the link of all the components of computer technology. It was on her set all the basic elements: processor, graphics card, memory, and others. If it is functioning correctly, the entire system may be disrupted.
  4. HDD. Improper use of the device, virus infection, mechanical damage can result in broken sectors on the hard disk device. Their appearance can cause incorrect work of the laptop.

Important! If the hard disk often appear broken sector, it will lead to his imminent failure. In this case, all data will be lost.

What if the computer reboots itself

It is important not only to find the cause of the restart, but also to remove it in a timely manner. Some of the problems can be solved independently. To do this:

  1. Check for viruses. This can be done by setting the appropriate anti-virus program. All detected malware should be removed.
  2. Check your hard drive for the presence of broken sectors. This will require special tools. For example, Victoria or HDD Regeneration. You can also use standard Windows tools. However, unlike software, standard tools do not eliminate the broken sector. Therefore, it is desirable to use the programs.
  3. Clear the product from dust and dirt. It recommended this procedure regularly. So it is possible to significantly increase the life of the notebook.
  4. Set current driver version. To do this, you must first uninstall the software. Then download the latest version of the drivers from the official website and install it.

The reasons for the constant and spontaneous reboot the laptop a lot. But all of them can be eliminated. Of course, immediately determine the cause of malfunction will not work. But if all the recommendations to find and fix the problem, you can own. If confidence in the correctness of the action is not present, then it is advisable to carry a laptop in a specialized workshop. Otherwise there is a risk that the device will be inflicted even more damage.

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