Is it possible to return the laptop during the warranty period

The Law on Consumer Protection provides the right of the buyer to return the goods to the store. With regard to electronic equipment, there are a number of reservations and conditions. We will tell you about the features of returning a portable PC in our article.

broken laptopIs it possible to return a purchased laptop within 2 weeks?

The content of the article

  • Is it possible to return a purchased laptop within 2 weeks?
  • When can I get a refund?
  • When do I change my laptop to a new one during the warranty period?

This device belongs to complex equipment, so it can be returned within 14 days from the date of purchase, but only on the basis of detected malfunctions (marriage).

Identified problems give the buyer the right to:

  1. exchange the product for an identical workable model that was not in use,
  2. replace with surcharge for goods of higher value (if you wish),
  3. fully return the money spent,
  4. a partial refund, that is, a decrease in the sale price (a financial assessment of the identified flaws will be required).
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Attention! In case of doubt, the seller may order an examination to find out whether a manufacturing defect was made or if the defect appeared as a result of the owner's actions.

This is not always the correct procedure, and carried out by interested parties. The buyer has the right to be present at the inspection. The conflict can be resolved by contacting an independent diagnostic center or challenging in court.


In writing, we draw up a claim for the quality of the product, where we specify the reason for the return as detailed as possible. The application is made in duplicate, on one of them is the signature of the store representative, stamp and date of receipt of the application. This copy remains in the hands of the buyer.

We provide a laptop in a complete set and in a box - in the form in which it was sold. The operating system should not have any self-installed software.

The seller is presented with a package of documents - the owner’s passport, cash and cashier’s checks, an instruction manual and a written statement.

Time for fulfillment of the requirement is allotted no more than 7 calendar days in the event of an exchange and 10 days in the return of a sum of money. However, the appointment of an examination may increase this period to 20 days.

On a note! If the user was dissatisfied with any characteristics of the device (functions, color, packaging), this will not allow him to return the goods, the quality of which meets all standards.

The only alternative is a personal arrangement, when the store voluntarily agrees to meet the wishes of the customer.

When can I get a refund?

laptop purchase

After 14 days, the warranty period expires and the circumstances of the return of the product change. Situations that allow you to put forward a monetary claim:

An irreparable defect means either disproportionate repair costs (equal to the price of the goods), or it will take a long time (2 months or more) to solve the problem. This also includes a breakdown that has been repeatedly detected and appears again after repair work.

Warranty service has exceeded 45 days (the time is stipulated in a written agreement of the parties). Here, an additional right arises to demand monetary compensation (1% of the price of the product) for each delayed day.

If during the warranty period, each year the product was under repair for more than 30 days.

Important! In writing, we indicate the basis for the return of the model and the requirement: the return of the money paid.

When do I change my laptop to a new one during the warranty period?

warrantyThe reasons given in the previous section work if the buyer decided to change the goods.

Exchange is possible throughout the entire warranty period. This period is indicated in the documents for the product, otherwise the law clearly defines the time period of 2 years.

The client does not need to prove that the device failed due to his fault. The seller carries out an examination at his own expense and after confirming the defect transfers the consumer a new device. However, if the diagnosis establishes that the disturbances began due to improper operation (mechanical damage, connection of incompatible equipment, etc.), the buyer pays for the expenses incurred by the store For checking.

We examined the criteria for returning the laptop to a point of sale. We hope that our information has helped the reader to solve their question.

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