Can I use a laptop as a monitor? how to connect devices

Is it possible to use a laptop as a monitor?There are two main cases when there is a need to use a laptop screen instead of a monitor for a stationary PC (personal computer). This is either a breakdown of the main PC screen, or a need to expand the screen workspace. In the first case, the laptop will only be a temporary replacement. But it will allow you to continue working with the computer until the main monitor is replaced. And in the second case, the matrix of the laptop can compete with the purchase of an additional screen.

We’ll show you how to connect devices to use your laptop as a monitor.

Wired connection

The content of the article

  • Wired connection
    • What you need to connect
    • How to connect a computer to a laptop
  • Wireless connection
    • Wireless connectivity
    • How to connect a computer to a laptop via wi-fi
      • IOS Option - IOS
    • Option windows - windows or windows - IOS
  • How to display image from PC to laptop
    • To work with SpaceDask
    • Laptop preparation

wire connectionThe simplest thing is connect the video connector on the laptop and on the video card of the main device with a cable

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. But this method does not work in all cases. Even if the laptop has a connector for the “output” of the video signal, it may not work on the “input”. And when you connect, you will not get any result. It is also possible that the video ports will not fit together, for example, VGA and HDMI.

REFERENCE! Only a wired connection via video ports will allow you to use the laptop as a full monitor. Other methods will have their limitations and disadvantages.

There is still a connection via USB. But when using this connection method, the picture will periodically freeze. And the image quality will be slightly reduced. In this case, it is better to use a wireless connection. Image quality will remain the same, but mobility will increase significantly.

What you need to connect

  • For a wired connection, you will first need it yourself cable.
  • On the laptop itself and on the map should be same video connection ports.
  • The laptop must be present video input port, which is installed on conventional monitors. But it is not present in every laptop model. For example, Apple MacBooks do not have this port.

How to connect a computer to a laptop

how to connectSo, in your device the necessary port was found, its type coincided with the connector on the video card and you even found the cable you needed. Such difficult connection conditions pay off with image quality and ease of connection. To use the system and laptop, you have to perform several actions.

  • We connect the cable to the connectors on the laptop and to the PC system unit.
  • Then we launch both devices.
  • After starting, right-click on an empty spot on the computer desktop.
  • We select, depending on the operating system, the item “properties” or “screen resolution”.
  • In the item "multiple screens" set the value to "Expand these screens."
  • Apply and save the settings. And freely use the additional working area.

Wireless connection

The main advantage of Wi-Fi connectivity is its versatility. And the disadvantages include quality loss and possible image delays. But in most cases, this is the most rational way to connect without additional expenses.

Wireless connectivity

All that is required for a wireless connection is additional software.

IMPORTANT! To connect via Wi-Fi, the laptop must be in working condition. Otherwise, it will be impossible to configure the software.

The user may encounter two situations.

  • For the same operating system. When connecting, for example, windows - windows or IOS - IOS, the process will not cause any special difficulties.
  • For different OS. With a bunch of windows - iOS, difficulties can arise. But even in this case, using a laptop as a monitor for a PC is quite possible.

How to connect a computer to a laptop via wi-fi

IOS Option - IOS

Apple developers have long taken care of their users and developed a special program Air Display. All you need to do is Install this program on both devices. And then, following a simple instruction, establish a connection.

After that, in the image settings it will be possible to use a laptop as a second monitor.

IMPORTANT! To work via Wi-Fi, both devices must be connected to the same network. Either through a cable or through a wireless connection.

Option windows - windows or windows - IOS

For this connection need a program SpaceDesk X10. She has several significant advantages. The main thing is that on the main PC, the laptop is defined as an additional monitor. You can work with it in standard ways. At the same time, there is no binding to the OS, it is not even necessary to install additional software on the laptop. It is possible to work with this program through a browser.

How to display image from PC to laptop

Now let's see how to display the image.

To work with SpaceDask

First, prepare the main computer from which the image will be displayed.

  • Download drivers to the main PC from the official SpaceDesk website. It is necessary to download drivers, for the main PC, on the site they are marked with the line PRIMARY PC (server).
  • After the installation, you must restart the computer.
  • After reboot, launch SpaceDesk. Then an icon will appear in the lower right corner.
    Click on it with the right mouse button. Select Advansed, then SpaceDesk Display driver ON.
  • Then we restart the PC again.

Laptop preparation

  • From the official site also download the program, but for a laptop. On the site they are marked with the line SECONDARY Machine (client). Or you can run an application that works through a browser.
  • After installing and starting the application, a window will appear in which you will need to enter the IP of your main PC. You can recognize it by entering the ip config command on the command line.
  • After that, on the main PC, the laptop is defined as an additional monitor. It can be safely used.

There are other programs, but in most cases they work through a remote server. This entails significant delays in image transmission.

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