The number of cores in a laptop

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laptopsIn modern laptop models, there are 2 or more cores, however, many PC users still do not know what it is and what it is for. On the expanses of the World Wide Web it is easy to find a huge amount of information about the principles of computer operation.

Unfortunately, in such articles professional vocabulary is often found, and the style of narration is difficult to understand for an ordinary user who is not qualified in the field of computer technology. Therefore, let’s try to explain on the fingers why the computer needs cores and how many of them are needed.

What does the number of laptop cores mean and what do they affect?

Many buyers follow the principle “the more the better”, however, in this case this is not entirely correct. A laptop should be chosen based on the tasks that you plan to perform on it. In simple terms, a single core is able to perform one task without sacrificing speed and performance. Thus, a 4-core computer can simultaneously perform four actions, including loading files, watching videos and listening to music, working in video, photo and text editors and much another.

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where to find the number of coresHowever, one more characteristic called the clock frequency should be taken into account. Its value is divided equally between all the cores. It follows from this that the more clock frequency falls on one, the faster and more efficiently it performs its task. For this reason, it is not always advantageous to chase a large number when each of them has a minimum clock frequency.

Reference! If you do not need to use a large number of programs at the same time, then you should give your preference for 2 or 4 nuclear processors, where each of them has a higher clock value frequency.

There are two types of kernels in a laptop: physical and logical. A physical manufacturer divides into two or more logical ones that work worse. Therefore, you should not assume that a 16-core processor works 4 times better than its 4-core brother. Thus, it is worth approaching the choice of a laptop wisely, carefully studying all the technical characteristics of the device.

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