How to enable bluetooth on laptop windose

bluetooth Bluetooth is perhaps the most convenient method for wireless data transmission. Especially if possible to get online there. And in addition to transfer files to your laptop so you can connect the necessary devices (mouse, speakers, etc.). The case for small - left to figure out how to use this magic function?

Turn on Bluetooth on your computer

The content of the article

  • Turn on Bluetooth on your computer
  • Why not turn the Bluetooth?

First you need to make sure that your laptop supports bluetooth. For this purpose, you can read the documentation that came with your device, or in the absence thereof refer to the official support site.

Important! Sometimes manufacturers place modules wifi and bluetooth in one device. In this case, if it fails, it is impossible to establish a link on any of these channels.

If the adapter is all right, it is necessary to understand what operating system is installed on your laptop. You know? Then go directly to the desired item!

If your Windows 7. The first step always is to run "Control Panel." Then the connection process can occur in two ways.

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Method 1:

  • pressing the left mouse button to open the "Network Management and Sharing Center";
  • continue to click on "Change adapter settings" (located in the lower left-hand list);
  • right mouse button click the "Network Connection Bluetooth», hereinafter - the "Properties";
  • in the window that opens, click the left mouse button on the «Bluetooth» and enable the ability to transfer switch of the same name.

Method 2:

  • the left mouse button to click on the "Devices and Printers";
  • Right-click - «Bluetooth Adapter», and in the popup list - «Bluetooth Settings";
  • set the parameters on your own.

windose 7 also provides an even easier way to activate a wireless network. In the system tray (bottom right corner) is enough to find the bluetooth icon and clicking the right mouse button, press the "ON." Or "the On".

If your Windows 8. In windose 8 it is still easier than the 7. It is necessary to go to the side panel (keyboard press «Win» + «C» key). Press there gear icon ( "Options"), then select "the Bluetooth" and move the slider is responsible for its activation, to «On».

Important! Simply enable wireless transmission of data is not enough. To work correctly, you must also add the device matched to the allowed list.

If your operating system Windows 10. This version takes into account all the previous problems: there is also accessible control panel and the side panel.

The easiest way to enable bluetooth by pressing the side panel (located in the lower right corner). Then you just need to click on the «Bluetooth», thereby activating it.

You can also use through: "Start" - "Settings" - "Device" - "the Bluetooth and other devices" - the slider to "On.". Or use in ways identical to that discussed in the «Windows 7" section.

Why not turn the Bluetooth?

Unfortunately (especially in the latest operating systems), because of the wrong computer settings correctly installed drivers, and some of these reasons, you may encounter a problem when your computer is not bluetooth works.

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All the indications discussed above, have been successfully completed, but the technology is still not activated? We understand that you can still do in this situation.

Problems with Bluetooth can be related to the fact that the adapter is physically disabled or software device set as "inactive". To check the availability of the active adapter is enough to open the "Device Manager":

  • simultaneously press the keyboard «Win» and «R»;
  • in line the new window "Run" type "devmgmt.msc" and press "OK";
  • in the window that opens, in the list to find the «Bluetooth».

If next to the device name is a yellow icon with an exclamation point, the problem is to install the necessary drivers. As a rule, after a crash during the upgrade, you can find that bluetooth stops working. The correct driver is better to take with the official support site is your (or very close to it) notebook model. Thus it is necessary to specify the operating system version, and capacity.

If next to the Manager is down arrow, the device at the moment is simply disabled. To enable it, simply click on the title bar with the right mouse button and in the window that opens, select "Enable".

To check the availability of the adapter in the BIOS:

  • When you turn on your computer and go to BIOS.
  • Open the «Advanced» tab (or «System Configuration).
  • Check the condition of all the items where found «Bluetooth», «Wireless» or «WLAN». set the value of the «Enabled» in front of each such point.

If, however, in addressing all right, but the data transmission means is still not active, you can check the "Windows Service Control tool." To open this tool box you need:

On keyboard press simultaneously «Win» and «R». In the 'Run' window that opens, type "services.msc," and press "OK".

"Services" window opens. Here you need to find a service Bluetooth support and its status as make sure that it works.

Important! Sometimes the problem can be solved even easier way: check whether the mode is disabled "on the plane."

Perhaps by chance on the keyboard key was pressed, which will activate this feature. When the flight mode is turned off, but still bluetooth not active, check the status in the "Wireless section device "(" Start "-" Settings "-" Network and Internet "-" flight "mode) or" Settings "-" Devices "- «Bluetooth».

Among other things for proper conjugation necessary to verify that the desired device in a zone blyutuza action. After all, if the plug-in gadget is at a distance greater than specified in the documentation, the computer will not be able to "see". You also need to make sure that is not next to any device connected to a USB 3.0 port. Unshielded USB-device may sometimes interfere bluetooth-connections.

Also, no harm will be to see what the settings are actively property "Allow me to connect the device." To check go to "Control Panel". In the "Devices and Printers" on the tab "Devices" to find the computer image and click on it right mouse button. Next to the drop-list to find the "Bluetooth Settings" and tick the "Allow Bluetooth devices to find this computer."

Sure now connect blyutuza not be a problem for you!

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