How to find out which processor is on the laptop without opening the case and during repair

A processor is an important component of any computer, as it is responsible for all mathematical operations. Detailed information on its characteristics is indicated on the packaging of the laptop manufacturer or on a special sticker on the device. But not everyone has this information, which is not a problem: you can find out which processor is on the laptop in other ways.


Without opening the case

The content of the article

  • Without opening the case
    • Before starting the OS
    • In windows
    • Third-party software
  • How to find out during repair

To solve this problem, there is no need to perform complex actions. Just turn on the laptop and get down to business immediately.

Before starting the OS

When the system starts, a black window with all the necessary information is displayed for a moment. From it you can find out:

  • model;
  • power;
  • processor frequency.

But there is one problem: this window is quickly replaced by another, and to delay it, you must use the Pause Break button. Thanks to her, you can pause the download time.

instagram viewer

processor in BIOSThere is another option - BIOS. To get into it, during system startup, you must continuously press the Delete key until a blue screen appears. The necessary data are in the column System info.

REFERENCE! On some laptops you have to use the F1 or Esc buttons.

In windows

After loading the OS, finding out information about the processor built into the laptop is also quite easy.

Method 1:

  1. Find through the menu Start icon My Computer. Open tab "Properties".
  2. The necessary information will be in the "Processor" section.

Method 2:

  1. Use the device manager. For this click right click on “My computer” and press "Control".
  2. There is a tab on the left side of the window "Device Manager". Opening it, you can find the "Processors".
win + r

Method 3:

  1. Open the Run window using the key combination Win + Rthen enter the command msinfo32.
  2. A window appears that provides information about the system. Find the "Processor", where you will find the necessary information.

Method 4:

  1. Run the line “Run” in the aforementioned way and enter the query in it dxdiag.
  2. The first tab “System” will be opened by default. There you need to find the right column.

Third-party software

To determine which processor is on the laptop, several useful applications were developed, the most successful of which is considered CPU-Z.

Just download this program from the official website and install on your computer. After opening it, you will need the CPU tab. It is there, in the column Name, contains all the information about the processor.

Find out which processor is on the laptop

Another good program is Speccy. It takes up very little space on the laptop’s hard drive and contains a lot of useful information. By opening the application, you can see processor information on the main page. Moreover, the percentage of its heating will be indicated next to the name, which will allow taking measures to increase the operability of the equipment.

How to find out during repair

If the laptop refuses to turn on, then the above methods become irrelevant. In this case, you can find out about the processor by the code on its cover.

IMPORTANT! You should not test your strength and without proper experience take on the analysis of technology - such initiative is fraught with serious damage.

The sequence is simple:

  1. Turn off the laptop and remove the battery.
  2. Loosen the screws and remove its back cover.
  3. Carefully dismantle the cooler along with the cooling system.
  4. After that, the upper part of the processor on which the code is written will be exposed. To see it, you need to remove the remnants of thermal paste (this can be done with a clean piece of cloth).reading data from the processor

As a result, it remains only to write down the data and enter it into the search engine to obtain comprehensive information.

There are quite a few ways to find out which processor is on the laptop, and all of them are easily applicable in practice. But some require special skills, so it is recommended to select from the proposed options exactly the one that seems the simplest, because only in this way it will be possible to avoid breakdowns caused by own inexperience technicians.

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