How to increase the speed of Wi fi on a laptop? Why is the speed may be reduced

Probably each time noticed that when checking the Wi-Fi speed, it is below the stated provider. In most cases, the problem lies in the router or the computer itself. Do not just call the hotline support. The problem can be solved on its own.

How to speed Wi fi

Why is the speed of Wi fi can be reduced on a laptop

The content of the article

  • Why is the speed of Wi fi can be reduced on a laptop
  • How to increase the speed of Wi fi on a laptop

Wi-Fi, of course, a convenient invention. It does not clutter the room a huge number of wires. In addition, the laptop becomes mobile. It can carry anywhere (in the signal limits), an Internet connection from this will not disappear.

However, the connection through a reliable cable, though less convenient. When connecting wires straight to your PC it immediately binds to the provider's equipment. A Wi-Fi connection is via a router, it now controls the speed (connect additional devices and so forth.). Because of this, the Internet starts to work slower.

As far as the rate of fall it depends on the power of the router. The higher it is, the faster the device processes the incoming information.

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Note! The more powerful the unit, the more expensive it is. The difference between a router for 1 thousand. rubles and 5 thousand. rubles, of course, there is. Otherwise, no one would have to buy expensive equipment and, therefore, it would not make sense to sell.

There is another reason. When a large number of users in distribution within the Internet are connected to the same channel, the speed is substantially reduced or observed discontinuities compound.

Some laptops do not have built-in Wi-Fi adapter or it is broken. In this case, users can connect a device via USB-port. Because of this, the signal weakens.

The reason may be in the computer, if the channel is overloaded open programs. For example, updates. Or PC to "catch" the virus.

Correct location

How to increase the speed of Wi fi on a laptop

The first step is to make sure the reason for poor connections:

  • Connect the cable directly.
  • Go on the website
  • Carry out a speed test.

When the direct connection is all right, speed is close to the stated, the problem is in the router. When the Internet continues to run poorly, it could be because the laptop itself. To solve the problem and improve the speed in several ways.

  1. Updating drivers. It would help if the speed is constantly jumping or the signal is lost. Download driver for Wi-Fi adapter can be on the official website of your PC manufacturer. After installing the firmware you need to reboot the computer.
  2. Changing the transmission channel. You need to download a utility that displays all of the devices within a radius of connection, their frequency, bandwidth, and workload at the moment. After viewing this information, you can choose the free channel and connect to it. Step by Step Instructions: Download DNS Jumper; unzip the file and run as administrator; click on the tab "Quick DNS»; Kolo inscription "unsorted" to put down a tick; click on the "Start Test DNS Servers"; When the program finds the fastest channel, click on the "Apply DNS server."
  3. Modernization of the Wi-Fi adapter. If the problem is in the external adapter Wi-Fi, it is easy to solve. Just connect the device to the notebook via the USB-cable or buy a special amplifier.
  4. PasswordInstalling a reliable password. When the Internet is not working because of your connection to the network of other devices, you just need to set a password for Wi-Fi or change it to a more complex. To outsiders could not take advantage of it.
  5. Removes noise. Various electrical appliances, household appliances can interfere with the Wi-Fi router. Therefore, the radius of the work of the laptop and the router clear of electronics better. If this is not possible, we can only move with a laptop in another location. Cross signal also interfere with brick walls, mirrors, windows, and so on. D.
  6. homemade antennaSignal Amplifier with his hands. It can be done independently of the two aluminum cans or foil for baking. Detailed instructions with video is on the Internet. However, homemade devices have drawbacks: performance quality is worse, unsightly appearance. So do not regret the money and buy a more powerful router or signal booster in a computer store.
  7. Shorten the distance. The manufacturer indicates in the instructions to the router radius of action. However, he does not always match the specs. Therefore, the router is best to put as close as possible to the PC.
  8. Reset. If you are sure that the reason is a bad connection to the router, you must reset it and re-install the equipment. Note! It is better to invite a specialist, or call the technical support service provider. The operator will still gradually adjust.
  9. Interfering program. To update is launched automatically, you must put them in a manual mode or downloading at a certain time (for example, at night, when there is no use my laptop). You can also go to the Program Manager and see which applications are heavily overloaded channel. If they are not needed, you can disable them.
  10. Antivirus removal. Cope with them will help a special Doctor Web Curelt program. It will produce fast scanning for viruses and will make cleaning.

Attention! If you have not identified the cause of the low speed Wi-Fi, all of these methods to try. After each method should be tested laptop, check for changes.

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