How it is called the cord from the laptop to the TV: types of cables

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Many users like to connect your notebook to your TV, why do they do it? You can clone an image from a laptop screen to your TV, the second can often be a better quality picture and any movie would look much nicer. More TV screen is always more, so you can work for a long time without straining your eyes. Also, if you connect your laptop to your TV, you can do the whole media system, it is useful if you need to simultaneously work and negotiate on Skype.

How it is called the cord from the laptop to the TV

In order to connect your laptop to the TV you must use a special cable or set up a wireless connect. On the second talk later, and now we shall understand what kinds of cords has to transmit a digital signal, and for whose benefit the cord to prefer?

How it is called the cord from the laptop to the TV

The content of the article

  • How it is called the cord from the laptop to the TV
  • Why do I need a cord

Depending on the functional laptop and TV have several types of cords, look at each of them.

HDMI cable - this is probably the most common way to connect a laptop to the TV and also the easiest. This cable is rarely found complete with any technology, it will be necessary to purchase separately. on the market there are many types of cables are now, but they work on the same principle. Therefore, the cost is only hang from the manufacturer and the manufacturing quality of the cable itself. There is an opinion. Too cheap models do not last and may even harm the equipment. But this is not the case, marriage is possible in expensive models. And a budget. Try to base your choice on the reviews of other customers and your budget. An outlet for the cable in every flat screen TV, and laptop out by the cable if it is not earlier than 2015-2016 vypushena year. But in any case, if you have not found out by the cable. You can always buy an adapter for it at any electronics store.

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VGA-out you will find in almost every laptop, regardless of the year of release, but he had little in common TVs. If your TV is equipped with an input for such a cable. You can connect your laptop using a standard TV cable. But also do not forget that in this case you can use the adapter.

DVI cable almost every device comes in a set, but even if it is not, then you can be sure that it will be able to connect. Only here for the entrance of the cable is not in the notebooks, since it an older method of transmitting a digital signal, so probably have to go to the store and purchase adapters.


Why do I need a cord

All these cables are needed for transmitting a digital signal, but each has a particular soybeans. For example, the HDMI cable has the best transmission quality of the images and through it can transmit both video and sound. What can be said about the other two cords. First, the video quality from them is much worse. And secondly, they can only transmit video signal.


If the goal is to show a presentation or simply to work with a text editor, they will fit perfectly to the same as mentioned often come complete with appliances. And if you want to watch a movie on the big screen or play video games with the sound, you'll need to connect column from the laptop or use a headset, you can also connect a television in addition to the portable column.

In order to properly connect, you must decide what type of cable supported by your equipment. But we still recommend using the HDMI cable, simply purchase the appropriate adapter.

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