What the laptop consists of: the look of the laptop, what's inside

What's inside the laptop.Computer technology is constantly evolving and improving. Once computers were large and could occupy half the room. Now replaced by compact devices that are lightweight and highly mobile - laptops. They quickly gained popularity among computer users. And now on the shelves of stores there are models with a variety of characteristics and equipment.

Notebook appearance

The content of the article

  • Notebook appearance
  • What a laptop consists of inside
    • RAM
    • Optical drive
    • Cooling system
    • CPU
    • Video adapter
    • HDD
    • Motherboard
    • Battery

All elements of the laptop are enclosed in one housing. The case itself can be displayed on the upper and lower parts. The upper display is integrated. At the bottom are the controls, keyboard and touchpad. Between themselves, the halves are connected using a special loop. He is also responsible for transmitting information from controls to the monitor. Due to this, an image is formed on the laptop screen.The appearance of the laptop.

The device matrix can be performed using two IPS and TN technologies. The first provides a better picture. The resulting image is characterized by high definition and excellent color reproduction.

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Displays also differ in coverage. It can be glossy and matte. The glossy version has more saturated and vibrant colors. However, when light enters, such a surface begins to cast glare, which makes it difficult to work. Therefore, the matte version is more comfortable, you can work on it even in direct sunlight. The resolution of the matrix varies from 1366x768 to 3840x2160. 4K monitors are installed on the top models of laptops.

Also in the laptop case are all the necessary ports for connecting peripherals:

  1. USB
  2. HDMI
  3. Lan.
  4. Headphone audio output.
  5. Charger socket.

In addition to them, there are modules for wireless signal transmission - Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, camera, microphone, speakers and an inverter, which is necessary to illuminate the laptop screen.

Depending on the configuration, functionality and cost of the product, the housing can be made of plastic or metal.

The keyboard of the device is located in its lower part. Unlike a conventional computer keyboard, the laptop keyboard is solid. Despite the ease of use, it has a significant drawback. If you can change the keys on a regular keyboard, if necessary, then its full replacement will be required.

There is also a touchpad that serves as a mouse. It has a touch surface, which makes its use very convenient, just swipe it with your finger.

What a laptop consists of inside

To find out what's inside the laptop, just remove its back cover. Under it are all the main controlsInternal details of a laptop.


It is necessary to store temporary information. Data is used by the device’s processor to perform its tasks. The more RAM, the easier and faster the processor will work.RAM.

Despite the fact that the laptop is modest in size, in terms of RAM, it is not inferior to the system unit. Game models of the laptop can have "RAM", the size of 64 GB. Depending on the number of slots on the motherboard, the RAM on some laptops can be increased if necessary.

Optical drive

Unlike the drive installed on system units, the laptop drive is very compact. This is due to the absence of a drawer. Structurally, it is no different from a regular DVD drive. Expensive models are equipped with Blu-ray drives.Optical drive.

Cooling system

She is responsible for cooling the parts of the laptop and does not allow them to overheat. Consists of fans and special pipes. Using these pipes, the device cooler draws in air. Next, he gets to the controls. To prevent overheating of the components, the cooling system must be looked after. Periodic it needs to be cleaned of dust and dirt.Laptop cooling system.

Attention! For the cooling system to work effectively, it is undesirable to place the laptop on soft surfaces.


It is necessary for the implementation of all processes in a laptop. This is the brain of the whole device. Here, all data is received and processed.

Processors are manufactured by two companies: Intel and AMD. Intel elements have excellent performance and provide faster data processing. Therefore, they are more popular with owners of computer equipment. Processors differ in their power. Powerful high-performance options are installed on the top laptop models.CPU.

Video adapter

Thanks to the graphic adapter, an image is formed, which is then displayed on the display of the device. The video card can be built-in, integrated, or removable, discrete. The second option is more preferable. If necessary, it can be replaced with a new one.Video adapter

To replace the built-in adapter, you will need to change the motherboard. The graphics adapter is responsible for picture quality. Therefore, depending on the purpose, laptops are equipped with adapters with different characteristics. So, gaming devices have powerful graphics cards with top-end performance.


Winchester is a device for storing all information. An operating system is installed on it, all documents, programs and files are stored here. Hard drives differ in volume. If necessary, it can always be replaced with a larger hard drive.HDD.

Now the SSD disks began to replace HDD. They differ in faster speed. Therefore, they install Windows and the necessary utilities on them, which makes the launch of the operating system and all programs quick. The usual hard drive is used as a storage of programs and files.


The motherboard connects all the components of the laptop. Absolutely all laptop elements are connected to it. All boards differ in performance. Powerful motherboards are installed on top models.Motherboard.


The battery is responsible for the battery life of the laptop. From its capacity depends on how long the device can work without recharging. Batteries can be removable or built-in. The first option is more preferable. If necessary, it can be easily replaced with a new one. The battery requires proper handling, the only way to extend its life.Battery.

All elements of the laptop are interconnected. Each of them is selected taking into account the required characteristics. The price and purpose of the device will depend on them. Therefore, when choosing the optimal laptop model, you need to carefully study the characteristics of each of its components.

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