Where is the cartridge in the printer: depending on the device model

Where is the cartridge in the printerIf you are using a printer, it is important to know the location of the cartridge. After all, when the paint is over we need to pull out the part. It contains ink, and it is necessary to take it to a service center. The second reason - the printer began to work poorly, and it is necessary to inspect the parts for damage.

Where is the cartridge located in the printer

The content of the article

  • Where is the cartridge located in the printer
  • Depending on the printer model
    • Canon device
    • HP
    • Samsung
    • In color laser printer

Most often, it is under the cover of the device. It is a long black detail. There is a corresponding pen on it. In most cases, they also write the brand of the manufacturer (the same as on the printer). But the location and the process of removing the cartridge may vary slightly depending on the model of device. Let's look at the most common cases.

Depending on the printer model

The cartridge may be located in different places, depending on the model of device.


Canon device

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The structure of the printer is no different from the standard. Just open the lid and we will see the cartridge. We take the handle and sip it on ourselves. Do not use force to avoid damage to the device.

Attention! A distinctive feature of Canon printers is that you can only replace a cartridge if the device is turned on. This is necessary so that the cartridge can be in the correct position.


Here, the differences may depend on whether the printer is inkjet or laser. For example:

  1. If the device is laser, open the lid and fix it with levers. Perhaps there will be another additional cover that protects the interior of the printer. We open it. There should be a cassette under it. Pull it out. This method is suitable for most laser devices, not just HP devices.
  2. If the printer is an inkjet, you must turn it on first. We are looking for the access cover (on the front panel). We open it. We wait until the print head is fixed. This is where the cartridge is located. Now we take it by the handle, we press it a little, and we pull on ourselves.


The cover is located either on the front or on the top of the device. Just open it and get the part. There are no differences.


In color laser printer

Some devices have toner (possibly several) and drum cartridges. And if we open the lid, we will see only the toner cartridge, while the other is located in the back of the device. For such devices, do the following:

  1. Press the paper key on the panel and hold it for 2 seconds. This will enable the tape replacement mode on the device.
  2. We wait until only one indicator starts flashing. It will indicate which of the toner cartridges can be removed (if there are several).
  3. We successively extract each block.
  4. Raise the levers on both sides to remove the lock.
  5. We retract the drum cartridge using the pen.

Important! The drum cartridge is located under the toner cartridges. It is pulled in the same way as the rest.

The cartridge is necessary for applying ink to paper, so it will definitely come in contact with the paper, and is located somewhere in the center of the device (above the sheets of paper during printing).

So, to search for a cassette, we first need to find where the cover is. The part is black and equipped with a special handle, so it will not be difficult to clean it. Opening the lid, we will see the part and we can remove it by simply pulling it towards ourselves.

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