What is absorber in the printer: what is, zeroing

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What is absorber in the printer?Printers are often used at home, when there is a need for large quantities of prints. And if the cartridge refill is no surprise, then a message about the overcrowding of the absorber and the subsequent blocking of the printer will surprise many by surprise.

Absorber - a special compartment in the printer with a sponge, which collects the excess ink. His many more jokingly referred to as "diapers". The presence of the absorber can boast only Inkjet Printers.

What serves as the absorber in the printer

The content of the article

  • What serves as the absorber in the printer
  • Resetting the absorber

To be precise, the absorber does not collect excess ink, and the part that is the product of a technical flow. From ink cartridge fuse in a small, specially designed for this slot where by means of tube pumps are pumped.

This occurs in the following situations:
When you turn on the printer. Often during downtime collect air bubbles, and a printer, to get rid of them, throws a small portion of the ink.

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Reference: Sometimes this process occurs directly during printing.

  • When Head Cleaning.
  • If forced cleaning nozzles.

Important: in the latter two cases, there is a large enough drain the ink, so do not often get involved in such procedures. In addition, it will lead to a constant refueling cartridge.

In the absorber there is no clear set of boundaries that it transmits a signal to the printer occupancy. The device does not store the information as to drain the ink, but it counts the number of discharges. After the maximum number is exceeded, a message is issued that the absorber is full, and all the printer's features are automatically blocked to fix.A message that the absorber is full

Resetting the absorber

When filling the absorber for further work is necessary to clean it up and reset. It can be done:

  • in the server center, paying for the service;
  • alone, but will have to find and download special software that allows you to reset the absorber.

Cleaning the absorber is not quite a pleasant treat. Cut off is washed separately from the sponge. The latter, as a rule, strongly impregnated with ink, which makes the process difficult to wash it. Can be replaced with a new sponge. Some manufacturers include the replacement of the original packaging printer, but it is available for separate purchase.

The process of washing

Reference: despite the reported overcrowding in the absorber at this time, as a rule, there is still a place for several discharges ink. And if you urgently need to reprint a few pages, you can reset the absorber without Clean-Out.

True zero in the event that you are rare and small print, but get this message. In some models, it is issued after a set period of time. If you are almost never used during this time the printer, the cleaning of the absorber can be neglected.

To avoid constant cleaning, which is important for high-volume printing, it is possible to artificially transfer the ink discharge is not a sponge, and on the outside tube in a separate container. This greatly simplifies the task of replacing a fibrous material or a very easily soiled washing, but you can just pour out the contents.Simply pour the contents

Reference: the need for resetting the absorber can not be avoided at the same time as this message is programmed to issue, but if there is a special program that does not take a lot of time and effort.

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