What can be done from an old printer: what can be done from an old printer case, how can parts from an old printer be used.

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Old printer.Most owners of defective or outdated equipment are worried about what to do with it. Of course, the simplest solution is to send it for recycling, but with a little imagination, you can also create from it several interesting items for the home. In this article we will tell you how and what to make yourself, from a printer that has expired.

What you can do from the body of an old printer with your own hands

The content of the article

  • What you can do from the body of an old printer with your own hands
  • How can I use parts from an old printer
    • Trinket
    • Wind generator
    • CNC machine

The case of the printing device can be converted into a bread box, mini-bar or casket. To do this, you will need to clean it of internal parts, and then cover it with bright material or decorate with a variety of decorative elements. And the little thing to decorate your interior is ready.

Bread box from an old printer.

How can I use parts from an old printer

To create interesting and useful devices, you can use parts from the printer. Consider several options:

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If you understand electronics, then make a shocker keychain. To do this, you need a board, which is one of the parts of the printing device.

IMPORTANT! It should be remembered that this venture can be dangerous and it is better not to take it without confidence in your abilities.

Wind generator

The printer is equipped with powerful engines that you can remove and build a wind generator from them. With it, they get electricity.

Scheme for a wind generator.

First you need to remove the stepper motor, and then assemble the rectifier (you need a pair of diodes). Make blades from a PVC pipe and grind a sleeve with a slate to fit the shaft. Next, put the sleeve on the shaft and fix the blades, insert the engine into the pipe and fasten with bolts. Fix the aluminum weather vane on the pipe from the end.

This design should be placed vertically.

CNC machine

For the manufacture of the machine you will need the following details:

  • motors and matrix printer housing;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • bolts
  • bearings;
  • duralumin corners;
  • construction stud.

You should also have a complete set of tools for manufacturing this equipment.

First you need to make the case for the machine from plywood, preparing two squares 37 by 37 cm for the sides, 9 by 34 cm for the front wall and 34 by 37 cm for the back wall. Then fasten them together using self-tapping screws.

Y axis Having prepared a tongue of 0.2 cm, with screws, attach the dural corners to the sides at a distance of 30 mm from the bottom.

ATTENTION! Corners should be screwed from the central part.

Screw the bearing from below using bolts. Then for the engine, drill a hole 5 cm from the bottom of the housing and drill a hole with a diameter of 0.7 cm in the front wall. A propeller will pass through this hole. Drill a hole in the nut number M8.

X axis Remove steel guides and carriages from the printing device housing.

Z axis. To make plywood No. 6 by gluing its elements. As the holders of this axis, use a board of 150 mm by 90 mm. Its upper and lower sides should be 50 to 90 mm.

To make a holder for the machine, then make a hole at the bottom so that a dremel can go there. Next, fix the holder with the base of this axis. At the end of the manufacture of all parts, assemble the Z axis.

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