Paper jammed in printer, how to pull out, what to do.

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The interrupted operation of the printer, accompanied by a beep or a flashing red indicator, indicates an error has occurred. The most common cause of a problem is paper jammed during printing. What to do if the printer is jamming paper

Why paper is jammed in the printer, possible causes

The content of the article

  • Why paper is jammed in the printer, possible causes
    • How to fix the problem
    • How to prevent repetition
why is stuck

“Chewing” a paper sheet printing device is not a serious problem, but it will not work without removing it. Most often this happens for the following reasons:

  1. Poor quality paper. Those who are used to using low quality paper (newsprint) or to print on the clean side of an album sheet already in use will definitely have to “chew”. This applies to crumpled or torn sheets.
  2. Humidity sheets. Paper sheets that are stored in a room with high humidity can stick together, which will cause the printer to stop working.
  3. Sheets are too thin / thick. If the device is configured to print using thick sheets (cardboard), ordinary landscape A4 will not work for it.
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  5. Dry sheets. Overdried electrified sheets will stick together, as well as wet ones. As a result, the printer wrinkles the extra sheet.
  6. Foreign objects. An unclipped clip or clip can stop the work of office equipment and even send it for repair.
  7. Inaccurate styling. Sheets that are not neatly stacked in the tray will be poorly picked up by the rollers. In the best case, documents or images will be printed obliquely, in the worst - the printer will “jam them.”
  8. "False alarm". A technique that is configured to work with one type of media, in fact working with another, may give a false jam signal.

In addition to the above reasons, problems in operation can be triggered by wear of the rollers, or breakdowns of other working mechanisms. In this case, you can fix the problem only by contacting the service center.

How to fix the problem

Important! The first thing you can do if the printer wrinkles paper is to turn it off and on again. If there is a slight jam, then the drum, when turned on again, will be able to scroll the jammed element.

how to eliminate

If the problem remains the same, you need to do the following:

  1. Turn off the printer on the button and disconnect it from the power supply.
  2. Carefully open the tray and remove contents from it.
  3. If the edge of the jammed sheet is visible, you need to take it with both hands and gently pull it down or towards yourself, being careful not to tear the paper into pieces. In most cases, this helps fix the problem.
  4. In cases where the edge is not visible, you need to open the printer. For these purposes there is a special button.
  5. After opening the case, the visible paper should be grabbed by the free edges and try to be carefully pulled out.
    Important! If the paper is torn, and parts of it are left somewhere inside the device, do not try to remove them yourself. It is forbidden to use foreign objects, such as a stationery knife or scissors, as they can damage the parts of the org. technicians.
  6. After the paper is removed, the housing must be closed, carefully put the paper in the tray and return it to its place.
  7. The printer is connected to the network and continues to be used normally.

How to prevent repetition


In order for the process of removing wrinkled sheets not to become a daily occupation and the printer to stop chewing paper, it is necessary to take into account such operating features of printers:

  1. Care must be taken to ensure the quality of paper placed in the tray.
  2. Do not overload the tray too much, or vice versa, place 2-3 sheets in it.
  3. You need to make sure that the paper inside the tray lies flat and neat stack.

Attention should be paid to the settings of the printer through a computer:

  1. In the "Start" section, find "Control Panel."
  2. In the window "Devices and Printers" select the device connected to the PC.
  3. By right-clicking on the name, in the pop-up window, select "Printing Preferences".
  4. The Paper tab contains a Type pop-up menu.
  5. To prevent problems with jams, in the pop-up list you need to select the option "determined by the printer."

If the device systematically “chews” working documents, it must be taken to a service center. There, experts will find the cause of the malfunction and will be able to eliminate it.

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