Wash-basin with heating for dacha - we create comfort with our own hands

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The wash basin installed on the garden or cottage is a thing of first necessity. If in the summer the problem of having hot water at the dacha is not relevant, then with the onset of cold weather, it is less desirable to wash hands or dishes in icy water. Many solve this problem by connecting the dacha section to the central water supply system. If you do not have such an opportunity, an excellent way will be to purchase or independently manufacture a heated dacha washbasin.

Buying a washbasin for a heated villa

In the outlets there is a wide range of such sanitary fixtures. The commercially available models are wash basins with a capacity of 15 to 22 liters (you can find tanks with a larger or smaller size, but they are less common). The tanks are equipped with special electric water heaters with a water temperature monitoring system.

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The size and appearance of the washbasins vary depending on the price. You can choose an inexpensive and simple model, consisting only of a sink and a tank. And you can prefer a washbasin, fully prepared for connection to the sewage system, equipped with a table top, various shelves, which can be used not only in the country, but also in private homes, in case of problems with water supply.

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How to make a wash basin with heated hands

Self-made washbasins with a function of water heating - this is a fairly simple task. The first thing to begin with is to determine the type of washbasin that best suits your needs.

Main types of washbasins for summer cottages

Washbasins for cottages differ in their design and are divided into the following types:

  • a washstand on the counter;
  • a washbasin without a curbstone;
  • myodyyr (washbasin with a curbstone).

The first kind, the washstand on the counter, is extremely rarely equipped with water heaters, due to the small size of the water tank and the instability.

Washbasins without a cabinet are a construction consisting of a tank for water and a sink. The used water is drained through the hose to the side or collected in a bucket and then taken out. Pouring tanks of such washbasins can be equipped with water heating equipment.

The washbasin, equipped with a curbstone (the so-called, my moydyr), is chosen when one has to often use water. It is a structure consisting of a rack on which a tank and a crane are fixed; The sink is located directly on the pedestal. The draining of such a washbasin can be taken away with the help of pipes far away or taken to the sewer.

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Manufacturing of basic elements of a washbasin with heating

In order to make a wash basin with heating yourself, you will have to manufacture or purchase the following components:

  • rack;
  • container for water;
  • sink;
  • the curb.

The rack is used in washbasins without a curbstone and serves for fastening the tank and sink. The stand can be made from a wooden bar, treated to protect against mold, or welded from pipes or a metal corner.

A water tank is attached to the top of the rack. It is important to correctly calculate the required volume of the tank, based on how many people and how often it will be used.

With a small volume of the tank, warm water will not be enough, and if too large, too much electricity will be wasted.

The water tank can be bought or made from enamelled or galvanized metal. If you make a tank of dense plastic, it will be easier to install a faucet and a water heater, since all the main holes can be cut with a knife.

The sink can be made independently, but it is better to take it ready, new or used.

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For the production of a washstand, it is possible to use any material that is resistant to high humidity: laminated particleboard, plastic, etc.

Select the water heating element

A water heater is the main difference between heated washbasins. To heat the water in the tank is most often installed TEN. If desired, it is possible to connect the water heater to the thermostat, which will switch off the heating when a certain temperature is reached. The purchase of these devices is inexpensive, in addition, the stores have a huge selection of them.

For greater safety, it is necessary to attach the heating element to the side wall of the reservoir, as close to the bottom as possible. Thus, it is possible to reduce the risk of its burnout at a low level of water in the tank; and the TEN contacts in this case will be located on the side, where they are less likely to be sprayed.

We examined the main structural elements of heated washbasins. If desired, you can build a completely comfortable washstand with shelves for soap and toothbrushes, a mirror, hooks for towels, etc. Feel free to get down to business, show a little imagination and ingenuity, and remember - everything is in your hands.

Video: how to make a wash basin from a bucket

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