Why does the mouse freeze on the computer, what to do: reasons, how to eliminate

Why does the mouse freeze on the computer, what to doIn a modern personal computer, the mouse is one of the most important parts responsible for the interaction between the user and “artificial intelligence”. With its help, a person, controlling the cursor, gives the necessary commands to the computer. However, it often happens that the mouse suddenly refuses to work - “freezes”, “sticks”, “lags”, “slows down”, “freezes”. This paralyzes the user's work, making it impossible to enter any data and issue commands. We will try to figure out why the reasons lie and what to do with such behavior.

Causes of the mouse freezing

The content of the article

  • Causes of the mouse freezing
    • Ways to solve problems with the hardware
  • How to eliminate mouse sticking when moving on windows
  • Conclusion

The mouse is a special technical device that is paired with a computer processor. The essence of the work is to move the cursor on a computer monitor that occurs when the mouse moves on a certain surface - a table or a special rug. In response to the movement of the gadget, a program embedded in the computer performs actions in accordance with character and place of cursor movement - opens windows, by clicking and holding the button selects and transfers objects.

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Structurally, the mouse consists of motion sensors located on its lower plane, buttons and a wheel to scroll the screen image. As additional options, it may include a watch, a mobile phone, etc.
All the causes of the failure of this computer gadget can be divided into two large groups:

  1. Hardware related directly to the technical device.
  2. Software. Caused by a malfunction in the software responsible for the interaction of the processor and the computer mouse.

The hardware causes of the malfunction of the mouse, or, as advanced users say, to the "problems with the hardware" include the following:

  • Damage to the gadget cord if using a wired mouse.
  • Malfunctions of parts inside the mouse itself are loose contacts, burned out sensors.
  • USB computer port is faulty or disconnected.
  • For a wireless computer mouse, a weak transmitting sensor may cause intermittent freezes.
  • Contamination of the working plane of the mouse or the surface of the rug, table.

Software problems that lead to malfunctions of the gadget arise much less often than hardware ones. But, nevertheless, they happen. Software problems that cause a temporary freeze or complete paralysis of the mouse include:

  • Incompatibility of the drivers installed on the computer with the gadget. This often happens when trying to connect a new gadget to a PC with outdated drivers.
  • Conflict situation that occurred inside the system between devices.
  • Incorrect computer settings after connecting the mouse.

We will analyze each of the above problems in more detail, and offer possible “recipes” for resolving it.

Ways to solve problems with the hardware

The most common problem causing malfunctions in the mouse is the presence of structural problems.

  • Damage to the connecting cord. A problem that occurs quite often with the active use of a mouse connected to a computer processor using a cord. This cord is the most vulnerable place in the device of the gadget: with a constant movement of the mouse, it breaks over time at the place of its docking with the mouse body. In addition, the connecting wire is quite vulnerable to various mechanical damage.With cord mouse

It can be pinched by the chair on which the user sits, rubbed with his shoes. Often the mouse wire becomes a victim of pets. Kittens and puppies are very eager to grind their teeth at him, or prey on a cord moving in the air when the owner is working at his computer. Damage to the integrity of the transmission wire makes it impossible to transmit electronic commands from the mouse to the computer.
You can try to fix the mouse yourself by connecting the torn internal wiring in accordance with their color. True, such an amateur repair does not guarantee the correct operation of the mouse. The quality of signal transmission to the PC due to twisting together the gap, anyway, significantly deteriorate.

  • The next possible reason for the mouse sticking is the malfunction of the internal parts: malfunctions of the optical sensor, microcircuits. In addition, during the operation of the gadget, some kind of connecting contact may depart. This is not something exceptional for cheap computer mice, worked at small enterprises in China, and characterized by low quality soldering.

In the event of such a defect, it is easier to purchase a new mouse than to try to repair an old one. And the cost of such a repair in a specialized workshop will cost no less than the new two-ruble mouse "maid in China." Of course, it’s a completely different matter if the problems arose with an expensive wireless or gaming mouse, worth a few thousand rubles. Such a gadget will be cheaper to repair than to throw in the trash and buy a new one.

  • A malfunctioning USB port on a computer is another very common hardware problem. USB outputs are used to connect the processor to various external devices, including a mouse. As a result of heavy use, ports can be subject to mechanical damage. The outputs themselves become loose, as a result of which the contact with the mouse plug worsens. When the gadget is working, the wire moving with it either disconnects the plug, which is weakly sitting in the USB socket, then closes it again.

As a result of this, the computer mouse sometimes works, then suddenly ceases to function. Also, with inaccurate handling of a PC, the soldered contacts that allow the USB port to connect to the motherboard may be removed. Most often, its controllers are located on the south bridge, however, they can also be located in an individual mini-block. To fix this problem, you need to re-solder the outputs of the port to its controller.

Wireless computer mice use either an infrared beam or a radio signal to connect to a PC. IR mice are now almost completely replaced in production with more functional and budget gadgets with a radio signal. Wireless mice freeze can cause a weak sensor signal due to dead batteries or rechargeable batteries. Often, it is worth changing or recharging batteries, as the mouse starts to work normally.

And also the lack of normal contact between the wireless mouse and the PC is due to some obstacles located between them. This is a stack of books lying on the table, a coffee mug, the surface of the table, etc. A similar problem is more common for infrared mice. For such malfunctions in the functioning of the radio mice, the barrier should be more massive - something like a wall or a chiffonier. More often critical interference to the radio signal going to the computer is caused by other sources of electronic radiation - nearby microwave ovens, cell phones.

An important role in the correct functioning of the mouse is played by a motion sensor located in the lower plane of the device. It can be optical or laser, and looks like a glowing red or blue dot. It is possible that the lower part of the gadget is simply dirty, as a result of which there are problems with the patency of the laser or optical beam.

In such a situation, it is recommended to clean the bottom surface of the device, especially the place where the video sensor is located. Keep in mind that the mouse will not work on a glass surface that passes optical rays through itself. An exception is the latest modifications of laser computer mice capable of working even on transparent surfaces. As well as optical mice, they can hang on smooth, polished, or on uneven, too rough surfaces of a table.
To diagnose hardware problems, you can try connecting the problem mouse to another computer. If here the gadget refuses to work, then the whole problem lies in it. Well, if the mouse works without any complaints on another PC, then the reason is hidden in the computer. This is not necessarily a problem with the hardware component - perhaps the problems are contained in the software.

How to eliminate mouse sticking when moving on windows

If, after a thorough examination of the mouse and the USB port, no defects are found, a possible reason for the unwillingness of the gadget to work lies in software problems.Signs when sticking a mouse
Sometimes it happens that a computer, especially laptops, shuts off the power supply to USB hubs on its own. Motivates artificial intelligence such actions by automatically turning on the power saving mode. After recharging the device, the ports are reconnected, and the mouse starts to act. To eliminate such actions the computer will need to delve into its settings.

We go through the "start" menu (the button below, on the left side of the screen) to the PC control panel. Select the "system" tab, and click on it. In the window that opens further, select "equipment", and go to this subsection. In the next window, select “Computer Device Manager”, and then “USB Controller”. In the “controller”, double-click the “Concentrator” section, and then click on “power management”. There should be an item “Permission to turn off the device”, usually made to save power with a low battery level. If there is a checkmark or checkmark next to this item, remove it and the laptop will no longer power off the mouse in order to save energy.

Another software problem is the incompatibility of the modern gadget and the drivers available on the PC. Usually, when you connect the mouse to the computer, the drivers themselves are located by the Windows system, and the gadget's work is automatically synchronized with the processor. But this does not always happen: many modern external devices connected to a PC require the installation of their drivers. They come complete with the device, in the form of special CDs, or suitable "firewood" should be sought independently on the Internet, and installed on a computer.

At a slow reaction speed of the mouse to move around the table or click the button, it may be hidden in the internal settings of Windows. To do this, through the "Start" button, go to the PC control panel and find the "Mouse" section there. Having come into it, we select "Parameters", and we watch what speed of reaction of the mouse is established in settings. If the speed is too low, then simply increase this figure to make the gadget faster. A universal way to make a hovering mouse work is to simply restart your computer. Using this simple operation, you can solve 90% of the problems associated with the freezing of the operating system.


As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the problems associated with the correct operation of a computer mouse. If you want to eliminate them yourself in a few seconds, without involving a qualified specialist, you must correctly determine the cause of the problem. To do this, you will need to sort through all the options, starting from poor contact with the computer’s USB output and ending with incompatibility with the drivers installed on the PC.

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