Stereo amplifier speaker with his own hands: to create a guide

Audio Amplifiers stores are expensive and, moreover, are not always of high quality. Consequently, there is a desire to do it yourself. This article will explain how to do it.


Is it possible to make an amplifier speakers with their own hands

The content of the article

  • Is it possible to make an amplifier speakers with their own hands
  • How to assemble a stereo speaker with your hands 12c
    • recommendations
    • What you will need in the process of
    • Diagrams and assembly instructions
  • Amplifier with his hands for the car
  • Amplifier for computer speakers with their own hands for Dummies
    • Instructions on creating

In various outlets you can find a large number of amplifiers for speakers, but any radio amateur can create it without much effort. Handcrafted speaker amplifiers at times economically. For its creation does not require any special knowledge. You only need to desire and know how to assemble it correctly pre-purchase the necessary materials. Below is a detailed look at the instructions for assembling improvised amplifiers.

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Sound amplifier

How to assemble a stereo speaker with your hands 12c

Anyone who dares to create amplifier speaker, is primarily interested in the components that are needed for assembly. These devices operate through chips and transistors, although there are cases where the lamp is used.

Sound amplifier


Created manually stereo amplifier, based on the type TDA chips and the like, is heated very quickly. In order to prevent overheating must be installed radiator grille. Sizes and types of lattices depend on the type of chips and the power generated by the device. Therefore, after the housing is necessary to leave the place to put it.

Attention. By manually creating amplifier taken seriously required to avoid a short circuit and failure of the components of the device.

What you will need in the process of

To start the production of the device will need:

  • housing;
  • plug;
  • Power Supply;
  • chip;
  • Switch button;
  • wiring;
  • cooling radiator;
  • screws;
  • hot melt adhesive with thermal paste;
  • soldering iron and rosin.
  1. schemeBoer - expander. It is necessary for churning holes in the plastic or metal. This is a very convenient and accurate tool, with which you can easily collect the body.
  2. Chip. Necessary chip TDA type can easily be found on store shelves. Alternatively, you can make out the old TV, and withdraw from there the desired chip.
  3. Transistors. Transistors are comfortable her little energy consumption and the fact that they are easy to mount in any device. They perfectly capture the sound and does not need to be adjusted.
  4. Lamps. There are few who creates a device-based lamps. But, nevertheless, such devices have excellent sound parameters. Such devices have a large number of disadvantages: use a lot of energy, occupy a lot of space, is heavier than usual, dear.

Having dealt with the necessary components, you are ready to assemble the device.

Diagrams and assembly instructions

There are many schemes for assembling amplifiers. They primarily depend on whether old or digital products will be created, size, and power supply devices. Going to the circuit on the circuit board, which ultimately will make the device compact. Also, for the assembly must be in the presence of a soldering iron.

A circuit that has been developed by John British Linsley-Hood, based on the use of four transistors without using chips. This scheme allows an accuracy to reproduce the input signal form, which gives a result of amplification and qualitative sinusoid.

Reference. The simplest kind of schemes is the creation of an amplifier based on the chip, which is composed of transistors and capacitors.

Only professionals can create their own schemes. For beginners, there is a program Sprint Layout, where you can watch schemes and select one.

The amplifier circuit

Amplifier with his hands for the car

Sometimes the sound of music in the car is not as high quality as you would like. For those who do not want to spend big money on amplifiers, it is possible to assemble the amplifier itself.

To implement such ideas, it is quite suitable TDA8569Q chip. It is very popular due to its characteristics:

  • voltage is from six to 18 volts;
  • High input power;
  • It produces a frequency of from 20 to 20,000 Hz.

The first step in the assembly will be drawing the PCB. Then it recommended to process payment ferric chloride. Further costs to solder all the components of the chip. To nebilo food additives need a thick layer of solder. You also can not forget to leave a space for housing the radiator grille, which acts as a cooling role.

Car amplifier

Amplifier for computer speakers with their own hands for Dummies

When watching movies or listening to music, we often enough power standard speakers. The following will detail how to create an amplifier for speakers manually. When creating the amplifier to consider the power capacity of external speakers, which is less than two watts and resistance of windings that is equal to four ohms.

To assemble the device will need the following components:

  • printed circuit board;
  • 9 - volt power supply;
  • TDA series chip;
  • housing;
  • Capacitors following: two nonpolar 0.2 mkF.polyarny 100 uF, 220 uF polar, polar 470 microfarads;
  • a fixed resistor. 10 Com OM 4.7 m;
  • button - switch;
  • connector for input.

Instructions on creating

The assembly process of the amplifier to the computer that is directly dependent on the scheme you have chosen. It is only important to leave to the housing space for the radiator grilles. They are important because they allow the air from the environment to cool the chip.

  • The first step will be the installation of electronic components on a printed circuit board with the correct polarity.
  • Putting housing. When assembling the cabinet, to provide a place for the radiator grilles and other additional details. The housing can create your own, or buy ready-made. Also, the housing can be built cost.
  • For troubleshooting, you should turn the device into a test mode.
  • Putting the amplifier. To do this, connect to the power supply.

Collect all kinds of amplifiers for speakers at home - a feasible task, which will cope every beginner radio amateur. The simplicity lies in the fact that for the beginning of the assembly it is only necessary to purchase the necessary materials for subsequent soldering. Then just need to review all the possible and available schemes, and choose the one that will suit you. The main advantage - saving. After shopping in the store such a device will cost much more expensive.

08.04.2019 at 17:34

Problems do not have to! It is known that in the sphere of consumption, where there is oversupply, prices drop considerably. So. Quite a decent car amplifier can be purchased from 1 thousand. rub. With good power characteristics, quartermaster and signal / noise ratio. A computer clings thereto PD. How this is done it is on YouTube. The assembly does not take more than 15 minutes. I was such an assembly, there were 1,600.

To answer
20.04.2019 at 23:49

Support! I went a little bit the other way: bought Avita whole working muses. Center "Quince" linear input AUX (CD disks are not spinning, tapes, too, the radio worked fine, as well as speakers, power 45 watts (RMS) per channel! Total for 1200 p.

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