How to make a keyboard backlight on a laptop: step-by-step instructions

In modern laptop models, the keyboard backlight option is already located, which is convenient for work. This is even more true for people who have to work in the dark or for those who like to sit at a laptop at night. When the backlight is working, you do not need to strain your eyes to consider a certain sign on the buttons. There are several options for turning on the backlight, the differences are only in the models or the manufacturer. You can also make the keyboard lighting yourself.

How to make a keyboard backlight on a laptop

Materials and Tools

The content of the article

  • Materials and Tools
  • Important points before work
  • Notebook keyboard backlight: step by step
    • Interior lighting

First of all, you need to prepare materials and tools. To carry out the work, you will need:

  • soldering iron;
  • diode strip;
  • power cord;
  • battery cells (if built-in backlight is made);
  • screwdriver;
  • adapter from 2/4-pin to 1/6-pin;
  • switch;
  • insulation tape;
  • glue (for certain devices with a collapsible keyboard panel);
  • sharp knife;
  • tester for checking the operation of the entire circuit of the electrical circuit.
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Reference! Almost all the necessary improvised tools and fixtures, if required, can be bought at the electrical goods store. This applies to diode strips for lighting Multi-color.

Laptop keyboard backlight

Important points before work

To solve the problem with the backlighting of the buttons on the keyboard, you will need to buy a diode tape. Standard options for LED canvases can be bought at any hardware store or on the market. If under the conditions of the created project for lighting some special conditions or parameters are required, similar options can be searched on the Internet.

As a rule, an LED curtain consists of:

  • installed LEDs that are connected in series with each other;
  • flexible polymer tape;
  • separation areas indicated by special markings;
  • sections of the output elements for connecting to power.

In the case of the Multi-color diode fabric, there are certain differences. Pairs of diodes of various colors are connected in parallel at a short distance. But all other sections of soldering (connection) are standard.

Laptop keyboard backlight

Reference! Taking into account the marking, there is 5 V on one output and 12 V. on the other. This must not be forgotten when connecting the lighting circuit to the terminals. At the same time, during the option of connecting the web with the help of the memory, it must be taken into account that the laptop charging should not be pulse, only transformer.

Notebook keyboard backlight: step by step

To organize the external backlight of the laptop keyboard, you need 5 Volt power from a USB port and a white diode. We connect it to the power connector from the USB port. But we must not forget that the diode's voltage is 3.5 volts, and the current indicator is 0.02 amperes, then there will be a 1.5 V blanking resistor, its resistance is 1.5V / 0.02A, which is 75 Ohm.

Laptop keyboard backlight

Since the USB port gives a current of 0.5 A, then, accordingly, 25 diode lamps can be connected to it, but it is absolutely necessary control the current consumed by the diodes, the main reason is that the difference in 17-21 mA, significantly reduces the time work diode.

After checking the collected external lighting and the power of the light beam, if necessary, increase the brightness of the light, you can additionally connect a number of diodes in parallel with the installation of the same resistor. The required current consumption is set using a selection of resistors.

So the external lighting of the keyboard is ready, it can be fixed in the right place and start working on a laptop.

Interior lighting

The most common question is how to connect the keyboard lighting in Asus devices. Since these laptops have a not very bright glow. Many users are not satisfied with the quality of the LED element. But directly the laptop is quite suitable for its performance.

To complete the installation of the diode element, first of all, it is necessary to choose the type of future lighting. For users who are not strong in electronics, it is best to make lighting contour. This will help reduce the likely risk of damage to performance during an incompetent installation.

The main stages of installing LED strip will require:

  • disconnecting the battery;
  • removal of all fasteners (certain of them can be recessed into the body, and at first glance almost imperceptible);
  • Next, you need to carefully get the hard drive and remove the drive;
  • remove the keyboard panel from the mount;
  • pull out the screen cord that is connected to the motherboard;
  • disable the loop;
  • disconnect the WLAN.
Laptop keyboard backlight

Directly LED strip must be inserted into a free path from the edge of the keyboard. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account the mounting location of the battery or other flat power source for installation in the housing. The main disadvantages of this method of illumination include a similar disassembly during the replacement of the power source.

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