How to connect a PS4 to a laptop: important points, step-by-step instructions

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PlayStation 4 is the most powerful and functional game console of our time. They purchase this prefix most often for the sake of exclusive games that can be run directly only on this platform. Because of this, a conflict arises between users of consoles and personal computers: possessed PCs believe that game consoles are just a waste of their money.

How to connect a PS4 to a laptop

However, there is another category of people - they prefer to combine both platforms. Most often, they use PS4 or PS3 and a laptop, or a computer monitor. This solution allows you to diversify the control of the console, in connection with which, its use becomes more comfortable and functional.

What you need to connect ps4 to a laptop

The content of the article

  • What you need to connect ps4 to a laptop
  • Important points before connecting
  • Step-by-step connection of ps4 to a laptop

They combine these platforms to simplify the management of the console, since using a gamepad for alternative tasks is not always convenient, this is especially felt when surfing the Internet. It will be much easier and faster to type on the keyboard than to pay attention to each letter, moving the controls with the cross each time.

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In addition, those who do not have televisions at home, but have a laptop, also use the method. Moreover, the game console can not always fully interact with the TV - sometimes old models of equipment are simply not detected. With a laptop, everything is much simpler, the main thing is the availability of free connectors.

How to connect a PS4 to a laptop

There are several ways to connect your PlayStation 4 or PS3 to another device. The simplest of them is connecting via an HDMI adapter to the monitor. In the event that the monitor is outdated and has a VGA connector, you have to buy a special adapter called: VGA - HDMI.

Connecting a laptop is much more difficult, but you don’t have to worry about any additional adapters, since you just need the Internet and a special program.

Important! It should be understood that the device must have high characteristics, otherwise a full interaction will not work. Old devices with less than 4 gigabytes of RAM are not suitable for connecting a PS4.

Important points before connecting

The first thing you should pay attention to is updating the drivers. If the laptop drivers were not updated in a timely manner, then this can seriously complicate the whole process. All possible resources should be updated: video card, sound card, processor, etc.

To make it much easier and faster, it is best to use a special program that examines the device’s system, as well as analyzes the installed software. If the drivers are outdated, the program will automatically install the latest version. The most effective and reliable assistant in this matter is the utility - “DriverPack Solution”.

Also, to make the connection of a game console possible, it is necessary to install the program - “PS4 Remote Play”. Its version should be the latest, so you should download it on the official website of Microsoft, in the appropriate section. Otherwise, the user will encounter a software compatibility problem, or he may just catch a virus on his device from unknown sources on the Internet.

How to connect a PS4 to a laptop

You will have to follow the update of the game console itself, as new versions of the program also adapt to Playstation 4 updates. When downloading and installing the file, the necessary version of the update will be described in detail.

Step-by-step connection of ps4 to a laptop

The first thing that starts connecting the set-top box to the device is downloading and installing the PS4 Remote Play program. To download it, you need to go to the official website of the application developers, there it will be offered to choose the version of the device’s operating system, as well as its capacity. You can see this in the properties of the computer by right-clicking on the “My Computer” icon. After that, the program will begin downloading and its further installation, in which it will be necessary to indicate the installation location, as well as additional parameters.

Next, you need to carry out the same procedure, but on the game console itself. The application can be found in the market. After that, install it and set the necessary parameters.

How to connect a PS4 to a laptop

If everything was successful, an icon with the name “Remote PlayStation 4 playback” will appear on the laptop’s desktop, click on it and launch the program. Before starting, the update will be checked and installed, then a dialog box will appear with the inscription "Enter the network." Click yes the specified value, after which by adjusting the image quality and frame rate - ideally, it should be 60 frames.

We confirm the set values ​​and go to the console itself, here it’s enough to go to the settings and check the box next to the value: “Allow remote connection”. Then you need to select "Search for a device." If everything was done correctly, the console will find a connection to the laptop, and then display its image on the screen of the device. Then you can safely use a laptop and control the console itself.

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