Why are computer speakers buzzing

jbl-flip-4-descr-6Listening to popular tunes through the speakers is a pleasure not only for music lovers, but also for ordinary users of audio equipment. During work or leisure, a person turns on the music and receives positive emotions from hearing familiar rhythms. The presence of excess noise when playing music introduces discomfort and annoyance from interference emitted by audio equipment.

Why are computer speakers humming?

The content of the article

  • Why are computer speakers humming?
  • Why is a regular column buzzing?
  • How to get rid of an unpleasant sound
  • What is the reason if the speaker does not buzz constantly and sometimes makes a loud sound?

The use of such an attribute when listening to tunes recorded on office equipment has become popular since its inception. Noise in the speakers occurs most often due to the presence of magnetic fields of wires connected on the back of the monitor or system unit. But other reasons are possible:

  • lack of shielding on the cable;
  • poor screen reflecting waves on the amplifier (inside the case);
  • instagram viewer
  • lack of grounding;
  • mixing system not configured;
  • malfunction of the speakers.

All of these factors affect the sound quality and can cause the appearance of excess noise emitted by the speakers that are connected to the computer.

Why is a regular column buzzing?

SpeakerThe appearance of extraneous sounds in stationary speakers designed for audio systems may be due to the same reasons as for computer attributes. In addition, there are other reasons for the occurrence of noise:

  • malfunction of the amplifier board or its elements;
  • poor speaker layout relative to the signal source;
  • mismatch of the settings of the amplifier or equalizer with the characteristics of the speakers;
  • moving a sound source with occasional noise, this often happens when using a microphone.

The bulk of the speakers, designed to convert the audio signal, is equipped with a protective shield from magnetic fields. Faced with stationary broadband speakers that do not have the required protection, the user immediately hears extra sounds that appear constantly or periodically when connected to the network. Such equipment is usually installed on the floor, which can also cause annoying sound vibrations.

How to get rid of an unpleasant sound

speakersTo remove noise, it is necessary to determine the cause of its appearance. Diagnostics and troubleshooting will find and eliminate the defect. First of all, when the speakers are on, they touch with their hand the wires that carry the signal. If at the moment of touch, the noise fluctuations change, then the cable is not adequately shielded. It is wrapped in foil or replaced with a new one - shielded.

ATTENTION! The use of a stationary wire, in whose braid a protective shield is laid, will protect the sound from magnetic fields of any origin! The foil may not be able to cope with all sources of radiation and collapse with small movements.

The speaker amplifier inside the enclosure is harder to shield. To perform such events, the foil is disassembled and fixed on all internal surfaces except the one through which the sound comes out of the speakers. To identify the board's malfunctions, it is carefully inspected for the presence of burnt or open contacts, as well as possible swelling of the capacitors. If such a deficiency is identified, it is eliminated, after which the column is turned on and checked.

REFERENCE! The occurrence of noise can be associated with the magnetic fields of not only the connection wires, but also with other cables, for example, a connection to a mouse or the like.

Speakers located at the same level as a computer or audio system may hum due to magnetic waves emitted by the system unit or amplifier. To eliminate this noise, the speakers are set higher and checked for noise. Floor speakers, in this situation, are installed on special stands or use furniture.

Lack of grounding in the connection network can also cause unpleasant sound vibrations. To eliminate this drawback, first check for the presence of grounding, if it is not, fix the contacts on the connectors. In the absence of such an opportunity, they connect the office equipment case with a battery with a wire, due to which this drawback is eliminated.

One of the reasons for the appearance of noise may be incorrect speaker connection (mixing) settings. To set the parameters correctly, it is necessary, through the start menu of the "Control Panel", to find the tabs "Sound", "Play", "Properties" and "Levels". In the last of them, the line input function is disabled. After that, check the performance of the speakers.

The settings of the amplifier or equalizer should also correspond to the technical data of the connected speakers. Adjustment of parameters can be entrusted to a specialist in the absence of their own experience in performing such work.

If the above methods have not changed the situation and the noise does not stop, then the problem lies in the speakers themselves. This may be their malfunction or a very poor quality product.

What is the reason if the speaker does not buzz constantly and sometimes makes a loud sound?

Game speakersWhen using the microphone in close proximity to the speakers, you can hear a sharp whistle. This is due to the lack of protection on the microphone and its movement relative to the speaker. The temporary appearance of noise can be triggered by the electric field of devices and wires that are in another room.

ATTENTION! The lack of proper protection can cause noise even when a neighbor switches on various electrical appliances, the supply of current to which is accompanied by the action of electromagnetic waves.

To avoid the appearance of an unpleasant sound, the speakers reliably protect, and when using a microphone, keep it at a safe distance and do not turn towards the speakers.

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