DIY speaker case: make a good case on your own

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speaker housingThe modern market offers consumers a large number of speaker options and speakers. But not always the most convenient option to get an audio device is to buy it. There are situations when it is preferable to assemble the housing for the speakers yourself, especially since it is not difficult.

What can I make a speaker case with my own hands?

The content of the article

  • What can I make a speaker case with my own hands?
  • Instructions: how to make a case?
  • How to put content inside?

A fairly extensive range of materials may be suitable as the material for creating the speaker casing. The most popular of these is fiberboard. Less commonly used are ordinary wood, particleboard, plywood, MDF, thick cardboard. For this, plastic and metal are also suitable, if you have the opportunity to process them. Description of each of the materials:

  • MDF is a wooden material that is most often used among factory column designs. It differs in that it resonates the least, is durable and easy to process. True, the quality of MDF is different.
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  • Plastic - if we discard the problem of processing and melting, then this is a worthy candidate for a speaker casing. Lightweight, moderately flexible (depending on quality) and strong enough to ensure a long service life.
  • Particleboard is generally good material, if you forget about some of the shortcomings, namely: fragility and fragility. What is meant here is not a general design weakness, but intolerance to moisture and certain types of paint. Not suitable for everyone. Easy to process and fairly cheap option. Varnish will help protect against irritants.
  • Chipboard - laminated chipboard. An improved version that does not need to be varnished. This material does not look very much in the original, but it can be painted, and the price is much lower than ordinary chipboard.
  • Plywood - is divided into several subcategories according to the tree from which it was made. If the creator of the column body is ready to put up with the complexity of processing and a considerable price, then plywood is perfect for him. The fact is that, drying out over time, any edition of wood is bent with a “screw”, and in plywood this distortion manifests itself quite strongly. If we make it from plywood, then you do not need to cover the product with something: its advantages will be reduced to nothing.
  • Array - requires high costs, and in the end rewards the user with minimal exhaust output. This option is only suitable for the realization that a lot of money has been invested in the speaker case. The only advantage is the natural appearance.
  • Thick cardboard is a cheap and short-lived option. On the other hand, even a child will cope with such a case.
  • Metal is a heavy and expensive material choice. In addition, it must be able to properly handle. If this is done, then in the end the user will have a column with a metal casing, which gives style.

Instructions: how to make a case?

After selecting the material, you need to determine the dimensions of the case. If you have the “insides” at hand for the speaker (wire, speaker, etc.), it will not hurt to choose a size so that everything fits, but it does not fit too loosely. Excessive empty space inside the speaker cabinet can cause damage.

housing for home speakersClassically, the speaker electronics consists in a rectangular parallelepiped of optimal size, but it is not necessary to make such a shape final: after a rough whipping, the creator will have the opportunity to add decorative details that will change the shape and appearance columns.

After measurements, a direct cut of the primary material follows in order to obtain the necessary details. Roughly speaking, it will take six plates, three pairs of different sizes, or all the same - this is up to the creator to decide. Do not forget that the overlap between adjacent sheets should be equal to the thickness of the material.

After manufacturing all the necessary parts, it remains only to connect them. The type of connection depends entirely on the preferences of the owner - it can be glue, nails, self-tapping screws, building brackets, and anything else. It is only necessary to leave one plane for placement inside the electronics.

REFERENCE! Speakers will need coasters to prevent communication between the sound device itself and the shelf, table, or floor on which it stands.

Stands are easily made from small weights designed for construction scales. These small, and most importantly, inexpensive items, fit perfectly into the interior and do their job.

homemade speakersHow to put content inside?

First you need to choose the side that will be “front”, and drill a hole for the speaker in it, then insert it into this hole and screw it on (glue, nail, if desired). It is advisable to place the remaining entrails so that not one of the wires is bent or pressed, as well as small parts that do not emit any play. If the size was chosen correctly, then everything will fit. The final step will be to attach the last plate, which will close the box.

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