The computer does not see the column: causes, troubleshooting

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A personal computer can sometimes present an unpleasant surprise to a user, for example, it stops reproducing sound through speakers. In this article, we will try to find a solution to this problem. There can be several reasons for such a malfunction, and any user can deal with them. Just a little attention and perseverance is enough.

Why the computer does not see the column: reasons

The content of the article

  • Why the computer does not see the column: reasons
  • How to fix problems
    • Outdated driver
    • Driver update
    • Virus attack
    • Incompatibility
    • Depending on windows
    • BIOS errors
  • How to set up speakers

The simplest and at the same time common reason is an accidental mute on the notification panel. You must make sure that the volume slider is set to the middle of the scale and that the speaker icon is not crossed out.

The computer does not see the speakers

If you click on the volume icon, right-clicking will open volume mixer, in this menu all items must be enabled.

If the above items are in order, we continue to search for the cause of the problem. Below the volume mixer is the menu of the “playback device”

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. The speaker icon should be marked with a green tick. It happens that at this point, there are no speakers. To solve the problem, click on an unallocated place and select the action “show disconnected devices”. After clicking the speakers will appear, and it will be possible to turn them on.

In the case of the first connection of jbl speakers to a PC (personal computer), you must make sure that the wires are connected correctly. Many system units are labeled with headphones or speakers.

The integrity of the wires and the soundness of the speakers can be checked when connected to other devices.

There are also speakers with a direct connection to USB. It is worth remembering that some types of USB ports are incompatible. For example, a device designated as USB 3.0 is not always compatible with USB 1.1 and vice versa. Usually faster connectors are indicated in blue.

How to fix problems

If the user is sure that the speakers are working and connected correctly, it is worth checking the sound card. To do this, go to “my computer” and use the right mouse button to go to the “device manager” submenu. This menu will help determine if the PC sees a sound card. Even if there is a yellow icon under the Sound Card icon, the problem can be solved.

Attention! Worse, if the sound card is not displayed at all, and in the future (after installing the drivers) the situation has not changed, then the sound card may not break.

Outdated driver

All important PC components have drivers. A sound card is no exception, and drivers for it are usually installed automatically when the operating system boots. However, as a result of a failure or damage by the virus, the driver may not work correctly. This can happen even if the power is suddenly turned off. To eliminate such failures, experts recommend using a power supply unit (uninterruptible power supply unit).


Driver update

The update procedure is quite simple. You just need to go to the manufacturer’s website of the connected equipment and download the latest driver version. It is worth paying attention to the correct choice of the OS (operating system) and the model of the speaker system for which the driver is being downloaded.

It is also possible to use one of the driver update programs. Such programs automatically scan the PC and install the necessary system components.

After installing or updating the driver, you must restart the computer.

Worth remembering! An outdated driver negatively affects the operation of the equipment and leads to a decrease in the speed of the entire system.

Experienced users are advised to update drivers once every 3-4 months, or after installing any new equipment.

device Manager

Virus attack

With the development of Internet traffic, the threat of infection with a virus or malware (software) has significantly increased. Do not neglect the installation of a modern antivirus, even if it is paid. As practice shows, restoring a damaged system and important data is more costly.

When a computer is infected with a virus, problems arise with various components of the OS. The screen resolution may change, loss of sound or Internet connection. If there is no sound, you should check for a sound card driver and scan your computer for viruses.

If the sound recovery fails, you probably need to reinstall the operating system.


Sometimes users are faced with the problem of lack of sound in the speakers when connecting outdated equipment. If you are using an old audio system with a new PC (laptop), or a new speaker system is bought for the old computer. In this case, only replacing the outdated component will help. When buying new speakers, make sure that they are compatible with your existing PC.


Depending on windows

Often the reason for the lack of sound in the speakers can be a pirated version of the OS. In such operating systems, errors and bugs may be present that cannot be fixed on their own. In addition, by purchasing a licensed OS, the user receives qualified service support.

Some licensed drivers will simply be impossible to install on a pirated copy of the system, and such a system itself may be infected with malware. Solving problems with sound does not differ on versions 7, 8 or 10.

BIOS errors

Such a malfunction can occur if an unprepared user enters the BIOS menu. Earlier versions of this subsystem do not have a translation and without the corresponding knowledge you can easily ruin a PC.

To reset the BIOS to factory settings, you will have to open the system unit.

Worth remembering! Any actions inside the system unit must be carried out after a complete blackout of the PC.


After removing the side cover of the system unit, you need to find the battery, as a rule, it is in a prominent place on the system board and is easily noticeable. When you remove the battery for a few minutes, the BIOS subsystem resets to the factory settings.

How to set up speakers

What you should pay attention first of all after the disappearance of sound in the PC speakers.

  • Volume icon on the desktop.
  • The presence of connected speakers in the menu "playback device".
  • The integrity of the connected wires and the correctness of their connection.
  • Check the performance of the speakers themselves.
  • It is worth making sure that there is a sound card in the device manager.
  • You must check the availability and relevance of the installed sound card driver.
  • You should scan your PC for viruses.
  • When you recently visited the BIOS subsystem, you should make sure that there are no changes in the sound settings.

As practice shows, in solving problems with the lack of sound in the bluetooth speakers of a computer, it is most difficult to find the cause of this malfunction.

Knowing the cause of the problem, you can quickly fix the trouble and avoid its occurrence in the future. Following the points in this short article, you can quite easily find the fault and fix it. And the additional knowledge gained from this text will help to avoid other unpleasant breakdowns.

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