Why the refrigerator does not work when the freezer is running

Why the refrigerator does not work when the freezer is running


The household refrigerator is a complex device, so attempts to repair it yourself without appropriate preparation can lead to unjustified losses: as a result, you still have to call master.

The phenomenon, when the freezer works, and the refrigerator is not, is caused by serious malfunctions. There are several reasons that the refrigeration chamber refuses, while the freezer continues to function. However, in order to understand why there is no cold in the chamber of the unit, one must know the principle of its operation.


  • 1How does the refrigerator and freezer work?
  • 2First signs of malfunction
  • 3Capillary tube
  • 4Temperature sensor (cold store)
  • 5Evaporative system and compressor

How does the refrigerator and freezer work?

The heart of the refrigerator is a compressor. It is he who creates the pressure that forces the coolant to move towards the condenser, where the gas becomes a liquid. During this process, heat is released, as can be seen if you touch the back of the refrigerator with your hand. Then freon squeezes through the narrow tubes and again becomes gas. To push through the coolant, the entire capacity of the compressor goes away. Then freon enters the evaporator and boils there. The evaporator is a source of cold.

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It is the freezer that wraps these tubes in the first place: hence the cold spreads further (by gravity or by means of a fan). If there is no cold in the freezer - it will not be in the refrigerator. After that, the coolant returns to the compressor, thus making a circulation. From this it follows that the freezer will still have a low temperature for most faults in the unit.

First signs of malfunction

The absence of cold in the refrigerating compartment is manifested in the fact that the freezer starts to freeze, and in the refrigerator the temperature jumps to about +20 ° C. The second sign is the non-stop operation of the compressor. Due to the absence of periodic shutdowns, it starts to get very hot.


If these signs are present, then the refrigerator must be unfrozen for a day and switched on again. Sometimes it starts working properly: otherwise it will be necessary to call a specialist who will determine the defective part or system. Culprits of this state of affairs may be certain knots and details.


Capillary tube


It is located in the evaporator circuit. If foreign substances get into the capillary system, the freezer will still work, and the refrigerator will not. Typically, the tube gets small chips or oil.

As a result, Freon is no longer able to fully circulate through the capillaries (the cooling system) and just does not reach the freezer. If all this is true, then it is necessary to call a specialist as soon as possible, because the compressor receives an additional load, which can lead to its breakdown.

You can try to eliminate this malfunction yourself: try gently tapping the capillary tubes to dislodge the debris. Sometimes it helps. If there is no result, then a specialist is needed. The master's task is to clean the capillary system, change the filter, vacuum the evaporation system and fill the refrigerator with freon.

Temperature sensor (cold store)

Most often, its failure is associated with the ingress of water and products to the body of the device. But sometimes the refrigeration chamber temperature sensor failure occurs due to factory rejection. And it may not appear immediately, but after some time. In such cases, you will have to install a new device. Here, too, it is advisable to hurry up: the compressor will also operate at the limit, which drastically shortens the life of the compressor. The operation to replace the device does not take much time.

Evaporative system and compressor

The unit's cooling chamber does not work if there is a leak in it. This occurs when cracks and holes appear in tubes made of aluminum or copper. Freon passes precisely through the tube system and through the cracks leaves it, mixing with the atmosphere of the room. And there is no Freon - no cold.


As a result, the compressor tries to restore the pressure and starts to work at the limit, which also leads to its premature deterioration or breakage. Usually cracks in the tubes appear in old refrigerators.

If you use a two-compressor refrigerator, then it is possible that the failure of one of the compressors will lead to a lack of cold in the refrigerator. Here everything is clear: one compressor is responsible for the freezer, the second - for the refrigerating chamber. The failure of the compressor is most often associated with wear, but it can also be the result of a marriage or installation of a substandard device, which is typical for low-cost models. Such a malfunction can sometimes be determined by reducing the noise level of the refrigerator.

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