How and what to lubricate the bearing in the washing machine - operating tips

WasherWasher - This is a complex device that requires care. Special attention should be paid to bearings, which are responsible for a quiet washing mode.

If a loud sound appears during the operation of the machine at high speeds, you should immediately check their condition. This will help to avoid damage to the automatic machine.

Bearings in the washing machine

The content of the article

  • Bearings in the washing machine
    • Description
    • Destination
  • How to lubricate a bearing in a washing machine?
  • What will happen if you do not lubricate the bearings in the washing machines?
  • Why lubricate bearings in a washing machine?
  • How to find a bearing in a washing machine?
  • Washing Machine Tips
  • Conclusion

This part is the most important element whose operability is required for the proper functioning of the equipment. Consider the main aspects of the product:


BearingThe bearing assembly is the link between the pulley and drum of the equipment. It is installed most often in a cross located in a tank. The assembly includes two types of bearings, which differ significantly in size, distribute them as an internal part and an external one.

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Manufacturers present two types of parts - metal and plastic. The first type is considered more resistant to wear.


The part is mounted on the drum shaft, while the equipment is in operation, bearings control the correct operation of the device. The rotation is carried out smoothly and without any beats and vibrations.

How to lubricate a bearing in a washing machine?

/Timely care of the part will significantly extend the life of the equipment. But the grease, in turn, must be selected carefully and according to the requirements of household equipment.

There are a sufficient number of varieties of this composition in the modern market. The right choice will provide reliable protection of the part against wear, the main thing is to choose the characteristics of the lubricant according to the requirements of the washing machine.

It must meet the following parameters:

  • The presence of moisture resistance.

The gland is a sealing ring that is mounted on the bearing itself, rotating on the shaft. Due to this, water does not penetrate into the part. Therefore, the grease should not be washed away during operation of the mechanism.

  • Heat resistance.

The water in the drum sometimes heats up to 90 degrees, which should be considered when buying a lubricant, it should not lose its characteristics when heated.

  • Suitable.

An important aspect is compatibility with rubber, poor-quality composition can spoil it - to soften it strongly or vice versa to make it hard and unsuitable for use.

  • Density.

The grease must remain on the bearing even under heavy load on the drum.

Important to remember! Do not use an automotive version of the lubricant, as they are not intended for washing machines. Bearings after the use of such grease quickly fail.

What will happen if you do not lubricate the bearings in the washing machines?

/Some people ask, is it necessary to lubricate this element? It is advisable, experts say so. Bearings are responsible for the performance of the equipment, if noise appears and rattle in the product, then the drum is malfunctioning.

Bearings are responsible for its serviceability of this part; they ensure smooth rotation of the drum.

If a rattle appears, it means that it spins irregularly, and, accordingly, it may soon become worthless. In addition, due to this, the work of other parts that are included in the design of the washing machine may be disrupted. The result of this problem may be the final breakdown of the equipment, which will no longer be subject to restoration.

Why lubricate bearings in a washing machine?

The constant contact of the shaft with the inner surface of the bearings provokes wear of the part. Lubrication, in turn, makes this process less harmful to them, softening the touch and creating a free slide.

In the absence of a specialized composition that reduces friction, seals and bearings begin to dry out and crack over time. This leads to the need for repairs.

How to find a bearing in a washing machine?

Search for a bearing in a washing machineTo find this part, you need to perform several steps:

  • Analysis of the washing machine;

To do this, remove the cover by unscrewing the two bolts located on the rear panel. Then the tray for washing powder is removed, then the upper instrument part is removed by unscrewing all the bolts on it. Next, the wires are disconnected.

Important! The process of disassembling the product must be photographed in detail so as not to subsequently confuse the collection sequence.

Dismantling the lower bar is simple and quick with a flat screwdriver.

  • Removing the cuff of the hatch;

This is the name of the rubber gasket, which is the connecting element between the drum and the hole of the hatch.

  • Dismantling the front panel;

It is impossible to pull it strongly, you can damage the integrity of the part.

  • Removing and disassembling the tank.

This stage requires care and the right approach. It is imperative to photograph the process in great detail, since disassembling the tank is difficult.

Washing Machine Tips

Clean bearingThe proper use of household appliances is an important aspect in operation. To avoid sudden breakdowns, it is advisable to follow some recommendations:

  • Do not load the body of the washing machine;
  • Pressure on the loading hatch is excluded;
  • It is undesirable to allow young children to the device who are actively using soft buttons unnecessarily;
  • Pets should be in close proximity to the appliance;
  • Avoid transfusion;
  • Use the device strictly according to the instructions;
  • It is undesirable to change the program mode with the already typed water in the machine;
  • Do not rinse the drum with running water;
  • To care for the product, you need to use mild cleaners that do not scratch the surface.


Proper operation of the washing machine will eliminate its sudden breakdown, and timely care of the product details will significantly extend the life of the equipment. The device must be used strictly for its intended purpose and according to the instructions from the manufacturer.

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