The monitor screen has narrowed: how to return back to normal resolution?

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PICTURE OUT OF PLACE A means of displaying information in the form of a graphic image is a monitor. This device can be found in every home, through them watching your favorite TV shows or working on a computer. Modern technologies allow you to get high quality and maximum resolution of the displayed image.

But you should know that quality consists of several parameters at once: resolution, image change frequency, brightness, contrast, personal settings and screen formatting. You can learn about all this in detail from the instruction manual or on the product website.

Sometimes, with incorrect settings, the picture may shift, change its position and size. In this case, the image will be blurry and incorrect, in order to eliminate this, you need to understand the reasons and adjust the screen configuration.

Reasons for narrowing the screen

The content of the article

  • Reasons for narrowing the screen
  • Is it possible to narrow the screen by accidentally pressing a button?
  • Incorrect resolution in graphics settings
  • Connect an additional monitor
  • Drivers
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MONITOR SETUPIn order to determine the correct sequence of actions for troubleshooting, you should find out the reason for the failure. Typically, screen tapering can occur for the following reasons:

  • Incorrect settings or accidental failure of parameters.
  • Old driver version or mismatch of the installed format.
  • The lack of a driver package for the video card monitor.
  • Connecting additional monitors may change the aspect ratio.
  • Failure can occur when the system reboots and as a result of a return to factory settings.
  • Random transition to other screen settings.

As you can see from the list, the case is related to the internal settings of the system. Recovery will not take you much time and will not be difficult. In our article we will talk about the available options for format expansion.

IMPORTANT: If the change occurred as a result of the settings, try to recall your last actions and do everything in the reverse order.

Is it possible to narrow the screen by accidentally pressing a button?

Very often, a malfunction and distortion of characteristics can cause a random key combination. If the remote control is very sensitive to clicks or it was played by a child, then it is likely that accidentally pressing the buttons led to a failure in the main menu. Of course, the path to the parameters of the displayed image is quite long and it’s not easy to accidentally access it, but this option is also possible.

Do not panic, this is the most common reason, and it is quite easily resolved independently without contacting specialized service centers. You can read about changing graphics settings and resolutions in the corresponding section.

TIP: Do not leave the remote control unattended and do not place it under blankets or pillows, this is a common reason for reinstallation and failure of settings.

CONNECTING TWO MONITORSThere is no universal way to solve and fix the problem, since each of the cases is individual and depends on the specific situation. The first step is to carefully review all the menu items and try to find changes in them.

If you succeeded in doing this, take the instruction manual that comes with the equipment and read the appropriate item. There should be painted a complete instruction with photographs of the necessary adjustments. If there was no manual, or you lost it, you can find a description of the product on the pages of the official website and find out the necessary information.

You can also contact the master or use the services of a service center that deals with these issues and will help to fix any problem. Further we will describe in more detail each case and describe the procedure for troubleshooting.

TIP: Typically, contacting a workshop or repair is only necessary if the chips are damaged or to replace video cards and drivers. Usually, everything can be solved without outside help.

Incorrect resolution in graphics settings

SLIMMED SCREENMost often, this situation is faced by users who have recently changed the system software. This can also happen after the opening of computer games with changed video settings. If after that your screen has narrowed and the video is showing poorly, the following point manipulations should be performed:

  1. Start the device and open the desktop.
  2. Right-click on any free space to display a list of possible actions.
  3. From the proposed options, select one of the possible ones for editing depending on the software version: resolution, settings or personalization of the screen.
  4. When choosing personalization, go to the screen bar and then go to resolution settings.
  5. Now all that remains is to choose a specific value for your monitor. Usually, in front of a suitable format, there is a corresponding inscription with the value “recommended”. It matches the required parameters. If it does not fit, iterate over all the options until the desired format and configuration appears.

IMPORTANT: Most often, there are several suitable sizes at once, but they are slightly different, watch the video and evaluate the state of the picture to select the best option.

Connect an additional monitor

You can also encounter a change in the displayed video on the screen of your device when you connect a second monitor. Most often, this is necessary for broadcasting at several points at once or while working with several files simultaneously. In this case, the computer can remember the connected equipment and apply its parameters to the main equipment. If you used two identical monitors, then there should not be a problem even while maintaining its characteristics.

REDUCED SCREENOtherwise, the situation is when you connect another monitor with dramatically different output characteristics.

In this situation, there is a solution, it consists in the following action plan:

  1. Try turning on both devices at the same time. If the picture is not distorted, then the parameters correspond and are suitable for each monitor.
  2. When narrowing the format, turn off the optional equipment. A return to normal values ​​indicates that the reason is the second monitor.
  3. In this case, go to the permissions and settings of the equipment through the computer.
  4. Adjust everything as described above and select the desired indicator. The key point here is the adjustment to the main screen. Do not forget to select the device you want to edit from the menu.


A less common cause, but it also occurs. To solve it, go to the control panel using the start key. In the corresponding section, you can read information about the available drivers and video cards. Typically, the computer has standard factory versions, which over time may become outdated and do not fully provide all the capabilities of the system.

MONITOR OUT OF PLACEIn this case, you should go to the official website and download the necessary update. After that, the program will offer to remove the equipment and install a new one, or simply update the driver. Choose one of the options and wait for the download. After that, restart the computer, and then check the image settings.

IMPORTANT: When working with older versions of the equipment, specialist assistance may be required.

You can try changing the settings of the monitor itself, the size of the resulting image also depends on this. If the monitor is adjusted to one value, and the menu has different settings, then there will be a problem in the display. Parameters can be changed manually or automatically. Since there is not much difference, we recommend using the AUTO button on the front panel to quickly find the right configuration. The system will do everything for you and quickly help restore the video to its previous values.

If none of the above list helps you, you should consult with friends or contact people who are versed in technical devices.

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