Diagram of a monitor power supply: device and principle of operation of a monitor power supply.

An example of a power supply circuit.In the past few years, everyone has got computers and televisions. These devices have a wide range of functions, without which a modern person can not do. Undoubtedly, the screen is the most important element of such devices. But not everyone knows how it works. In order to be able to fix the computer monitor in the event of a breakdown and just have an idea of ​​the principle of its operation, you need to study the power supply circuit. You will learn about all the features of the power supply from this article.

Device and circuit power monitor

The content of the article

  • Device and circuit power monitor
  • The principle of operation of the monitor power supply

Most breakdowns, as experienced users admit, are connected precisely with the power supply. Let's analyze its device in more detail.

The monitor PSU consists of two elements:

  • network switching power supply (AC / DC adapter);
  • DC / AC inverter.

Both elements serve to convert voltage. That is, the first unit converts the alternating voltage to direct, and the second - on the contrary, constant to alternating current (DC-AC).

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There are several main types of circuits that are often used in modern monitors. Such schemes can be found on the Internet, where a clear and detailed description of the entire device of the power supply is provided.

Such schemes can be useful for self-repair of various devices, mainly computers. Including according to the schemes, the principle of operation of the monitor power supply is studied. Having studied the details and their sequence, you can easily understand why certain reactions occur in the unit.

LCD Monitor Power Supply (AC / DC Adapter)

IMPORTANT! Please note that it is not recommended to carry out independent repair of the monitor if you do not understand the schemes and do not understand the principle of operation of individual parts of the device. Thus, it is possible to exacerbate the problem and without professional intervention, you can’t do without it anyway.

So how does the power supply work?

The principle of operation of the monitor power supply

The functionality of the pulse BC and inverter should be considered separately - they perform different tasks.

For example, the adapter performs the following functions:

  • voltage rectification by a diode bridge and a filtering capacitor;
  • its change and lowering by a special transformer;
  • rectification of the converted voltage by diodes.

Please note that two types of diodes are used: ordinary and Schottky diodes.

Damping circuits on the power supply board.

Schottky diodes have their own distinctive characteristics, which will be important for understanding why they are chosen for work with high frequencies. This is not only the ability to instantly switch to a closed state from an open state, but also an increased sensitivity to excess reverse voltage. In this case, an instant breakdown of the device occurs.

The difference from an ordinary diode is precisely this. In order to prevent permanent shutdowns, special circuits are used, which are called damping circuits.

Another disadvantage of Schottky diodes is their instability to heat. That is why, in most adapters, special radiators are also installed that exclude the influence of heat.

Inverter board and its elements.

The inverter for the monitor is made by a special chip that is separate for each device. This allows you to achieve maximum results in the efficiency of the device. Using an inverter, the backlight is displayed, which is one of the most useful and important functions of the monitor. - it gives the user the opportunity to use a computer or other device even in the dark or in bad lighting.

IMPORTANT! Despite the fact that the backlight provides the opportunity to fully use any household appliance equipped with a monitor, remember - a long pastime with such a screen is harmful to the eyes.

Thus, the monitor’s power supply is an important part of its internal device, which very often fails. To avoid this, it is necessary to constantly carry out preventive measures and use the devices carefully and accurately. If, however, something goes wrong, now you can easily fix the problem, because you know what is inside the monitor’s power supply and how it works.

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