The monitor does not turn on: when the computer starts, when it is turned on, the reasons why the computer turns on but the monitor does not turn on, the computer hums, blinks but does not turn on

The monitor does not turn on As the modern world is improving every day, at this time almost every person on Earth owns a personal computer. However, even the most expensive thing can be involuntarily damaged. Indeed, the majority faced such a problem when, after some time of operation, the device appeared various defects. But the main obstacle is that in the presented situation, the user does not know the way to resolve them. Actually, in the article everyone will be able to extract useful information for themselves: what to do in a given situation. If a youwhen you turn on the computer, blinks, the system unit is buzzing, and monitor while black or writes that the energy-saving mode starts, it becomes clear that the computer is working incorrectly and you need to do something about it. The first question is why I turn on the power of the processor or system specialist Doesn't work or maybe there is a problem in the monitor?

The monitor does not turn on when the computer starts - what happened?

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  • The monitor does not turn on when the computer starts - what happened?
  • The monitor does not turn on the first time
  • The monitor does not turn on immediately when the processor is turned on
  • The monitor goes off and does not turn on
  • The monitor does not turn on - but the indicator is on
  • What to do if the monitor does not turn on due to PC connection problems
    • Lack of connection
    • Damaged cable
    • Damaged connectors
    • Hardware damage
    • Software crash

Before proceeding with the main actions, you need to make sure that the lack of performance lies precisely in the monitor. Namely, the following manipulations should be performed:

  • Turn off the PC completely. Wait for the characteristic noises to be emitted.
  • Next, press the button again to start the unit. If sounds appear, indicators are activated, then the source of the problem is really on the screen.

So, we will analyze, perhaps, the most common case - bad contacts. Therefore, check the quality of connection of all wires not only to the motherboard and video card, but also to those products that are attached to the back of the monitor. In addition, you can try to take the following steps:

  • Owners of the DVI connector can change it to blue. If you are left without a result, connect the connection to the motherboard itself. The beginning of work will indicate a burnout of the video card.
  • The most lethal outcome - if the monitor burns out. You can try to disassemble it.

ATTENTION. For people who do not understand how to do this, it is recommended to avoid these frauds and consult a professional specialist.

The monitor does not turn on the first time

The most commonplace reason is the accumulation of dust. There is a possibility that the iron is merely clogged with small particles of pollution. Accordingly, you should remove not only all the RAM modules, but also its slots. Then hold a small brush on the surface of the product to eliminate debris.

IMPORTANT. This should be done as carefully as possible, as there is a chance that the dirt will get inside. As you complete the procedure, it’s worth inserting items into their original place, namely the way they originally stood.

In addition, do not forget about the space where the video card cables are inserted. All possible sockets must also be cleaned and then reinserted.

Monitor 2 does not turn on

The monitor does not turn on immediately when the processor is turned on

The easiest way to solve the problem is to reset the BIOS. Accordingly, the first thing to do is turn off the computer.

ATTENTION. A disconnect is played even from the network.

BatteryNext, the lid of the system unit itself opens. This is necessary in order to find the battery there. It should be located directly near the motherboard. Thus, removing it, it is recommended to wait a while. This usually takes five to ten minutes. When the above steps are completed, you can safely insert all products to their original position and proceed to turn on the device. Therefore, if the monitor began to extract its functions, then you did everything right, and the problem itself was resolved.

REFERENCE. It is advisable to give special attention to searches, since most find it difficult to find the desired part. Most often, it is inserted vertically, in contrast to the location in a laptop.

The monitor goes off and does not turn on

As you know, in each problem there are several options for the outcome of events:

  1. Due to short circuits in the motherboard. It is believed that this is the most severe malfunction, because to fix it you will need to replace the product itself.
  2. Indeed, what happens is a defect in the monitor itself. Then you need to conduct a whole diagnosis of the object. This is done by determining the temperature. From elemental overheating, there is a wide risk of loss of performance. In this case, it is best to move the object away from the wall and put it in a ventilated space.
  3. Bad memory modules. The operative failed. Verification is carried out through special applications from windows. If, nevertheless, the matter lies precisely in it, then it will be necessary to purchase new products, since they are not undergoing repair.
  4. Video card To do this, the device is connected directly to either a third-party computer or to a TV. If the necessary image is displayed on it without difficulty, then the probability of this reason can be safely swept aside.

The monitor does not turn on - but the indicator is on

In this case, carry out the following action plan in the sequence shown:

  • PayDisassemble the monitor and remove the board that is built into the power supply.
  • Carefully inspect its surface. Most likely, one of the capacitors will be increased in volume or convex on either side.
  • Therefore, you need to solder it separately from the rest and attach the updated product to the original location.
  • Then you can begin to fix the wires that were previously soldered from it. Next, you need to assemble the device as it originally looked. Finally, click on the launch of the personal computer. The appearance of the image on the screen will indicate a positive impact and the achievement of the desired result.

Thus, there is nothing complicated. No special knowledge and skills in this matter will be required. Absolutely everyone in need can cope.

What to do if the monitor does not turn on due to PC connection problems

It is no exception that the source of the defect lies directly in the personal computer. Moreover, it is important to understand that there are many varieties. And in order not to get confused, we will analyze each of them individually.

Lack of connection

Indeed, the first thing that is recommended to be done is to check the reliability of connecting the product power directly to the mains. With a positive outcome, a small yellow bulb should light up. So if it blinks, then it’s definitely not about nutrition.

Damaged cable

CableThe second most common option is the disconnected or incorrectly connected cable. Here it is recommended to check the reliability of the connection, since most often users confuse the connectors, which is why problems occur. In addition, you can try to remove the product from the outlet and put it back to its original location. There is a possibility that the connecting cable is out of order and therefore not ready for use. In this case, you should attach a similar object to the same monitor. The onset of the process means that the whole problem is precisely because of it.

Damaged connectors

To check the reliability of the suspicion, it is recommended to pull out all not very significant objects from the system itself. It can be both USB and PCI (it is they that are not fundamental in the work). Then try to restart the personal computer. In theory, he should turn on. In this action, the owner is required to gradually turn on all previously pulled cables. Perform such manipulations until you find the true culprit. So you can accurately determine the source of occurrence.

Hardware damage

This moment is more serious than the previous ones. Therefore, you need to check: replacing or installing a new video card will help. As for the product itself, there is not much difference. The main thing is that she be working. That is, here you just need to make sure that the defect is in it. If the attempt was unsuccessful, it is most likely a defect in an element of other software.

Software crash

In such a situation, it remains only to perform a safe reboot. To do this, open the “configuration” tool, where the “service” section will be available to you. After which, it’s worth noting “do not display services”. Now you can remove all available checkmarks from the proposed window. In conclusion, it is worth disabling the programs that were downloaded at the “system startup”.

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