What affects the monitor refresh rate is: what is the monitor refresh rate is how to change the refresh rate.

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What affects the monitor refresh rate.For right choice and correct operation of the computer need to be aware of the parameters that affect the efficiency and comfort of work. One of the significant characteristics of the monitor is its frequency. What is this figure and what it affect?

What is the frequency of your monitor refresh

The content of the article

  • What is the frequency of your monitor refresh
  • What affects the refresh rate of the computer screen
  • How to change the refresh rate

The computer display or television screen operates on the principle of change of successive frames. This principle is similar to the work of a film projector. When watching a movie frame rate of approximately 25-30. Due to the complexity of the image on a computer or TV screen, its refresh rate should be much higher. This index will affect the image sharpness. Thus, the choice of TV or PC monitor is better to give preference to goods for which the rate is higher.

The difference image transmission at a different frequency of the monitor.

The first versions of the monitor shows the average quality of the picture. The user can notice the screen flicker when the image changes. Because of this, it was recommended to use protective shields, and in the course of continuous operation for such monitors should have done a few breaks to relieve the load on the eye. Otherwise, the long work of such displays would provoke deterioration of the user or could have a negative impact on human health in general.

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REFERENCE! As a result of technological development to replace CRT monitors came more modern screens: LCD and TFT-monitors. Initially, they lagged significantly in brightness, contrast, and image quality was low. However, long-term process improvements will deliver higher quality indicators, which led to an increase in the popularity of such models.

What affects the refresh rate of the computer screen

If the display personnel rather low frequency, then, as described above, visual display flickers. While the highest rate of this parameter allows you to make shimmer virtually invisible, and it improves the image pickup comfort.

The average refresh rate of the screen is considered to be 60 Hz. This is quite enough for comfortable work. In advanced models of the liquid crystal monitor screen refresh rate reaches 144 Hz or even 240 Hz. This makes it possible to increase the smoothness of the image. Such displays are well suited for gaming.

Monitor refresh rate is important for games.

REFERENCE! Although the monitor refresh rate, and not the main feature of the selection, but the higher the number, the more expensive device.

How to change the refresh rate

Despite the fact that in many models of LCD screens display update range can be adjusted automatic mode, whichever is the best indicator, nevertheless, you can change the refresh rate independently.

This will require to go to "Control Panel". Next, select the display settings, go to the tab "Options" menu and go to "Advanced". It was there usually is a list of possible settings, the screen refresh rate.

How to change the refresh rate.

For most screens models based on CRT-system experts recommend to set the value of this indicator is 85 Hz. This value becomes available when installing prefabricated graphics driver. To install the driver, you can use online resources or look for it on the disks attached to the computer when it is sold. If the matter have problems, please contact the service center. Employees of the center easily solve this problem for you.

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