How to make a larger font on the monitor: instructions for each operating system

windows 8

Every PC user sooner or later asks the question: how to make the font larger to make it easier to read? On electronic devices with the popular Windows operating system, there are several ways to do this. How to increase or decrease the font on a computer or laptop monitor is described in detail below.

The benefits of large print on the monitor

The content of the article

  • The benefits of large print on the monitor
  • How to make the font on the monitor larger?
    • On windows 7
    • On windows 8
    • On windows 10
  • Tips

Enlarging the text displayed on the monitor can be literally vital. The visual acuity of all people is different and far from always ideal. When reading the small print, the eyes will strain and get tired faster, which over time will cause the development of ophthalmic diseases. You can easily avoid trouble by changing the settings.

change the font in the settingsUsers get different monitors: with different screen sizes, resolution, clarity. All technology displays the image in its own way. Therefore, the creators of the above operating system have provided the ability to select font sizes for the purpose of individual selection of convenient and acceptable display.

instagram viewer

Important! Changing the font size will help to adjust the personal device to the personal preferences of the owner. Using the instructions in this article, even a beginner can learn this feature.

How to make the font on the monitor larger?

You can choose the most convenient text size using:

  • keyboard button combinations;
  • keyboard and mouse combinations;
  • standard settings;
  • built-in magnifier.

The ability to change the scale of the page and everything that is displayed on it is provided in all browsers without exception. Social networks are also equipped with similar functionality.

If you need to make the text larger in the document or browser, the easiest way is to use the combination of the “Ctrl” “+” and “Ctrl” “-” buttons. The second option is even simpler: hold down the same button and rotate the mouse wheel forward / backward. These methods are effective in all versions of the Windows operating system on desktop computers and mobile laptops.

If you need to temporarily enlarge a fragment of the screen, it is better to use a magnifying glass. It works on the principle of an ordinary lens - when you hover over a specific area it only increases what gets into it. The magnifier opens with a combination of Win + + buttons.

Resizing text through the control panel is a relatively complicated method, especially for a beginner, but it provides more options. So you can change the scale of not only the entire page, but also its individual elements. For example, increase only the labels below the labels, and leave the icons the same.

Important! The principle of font settings on all versions of the Windows OS is the same, but the interface can be displayed in different ways.

On windows 7

To make the text large, you must:

  • open the menu on the desktop (main screen) by right-clicking on an empty spot;
  • select “Resolution” and the “Make text bigger / smaller” function in it;
  • set the font to Medium.

Windows 7If you want to make the font even larger, you need to select "Other size" in the same place. In the additional window that opens, you can set the magnification to five times. After changing the settings, click “Apply”, otherwise nothing will change.

Important! Even if the user forgets to apply the selected settings, Windows 7 will remind him of this when exiting the menu. It is then recommended that the device be rebooted for the changes to take effect.

On windows 8

If the text displayed on the desktop under the shortcuts is difficult to read due to insufficient size, you should use the built-in function of increasing the scale of the entire main screen to this OS 150%. Resizing text information occurs without any deformation of the picture, which is convenient.

First you need to open the menu with the right mouse button on the free part of the desktop, then go to the "Resolution" section. Next, go to the section "Change text sizes" and select the necessary values.

At the end of the list of basic settings, you can find an additional function for individually determining the scale of elements. Using it, you can change the font size in:

  • message boxes;
  • Panel names
  • system prompts.

windows 10On windows 10

You can make the text on the monitor larger in this version of the OS through the screen settings. To do this, open the corresponding menu with the mouse (right-click on the empty main screen, as usual). Using the slider, you can select the size of the text and other elements in the parameters.

“Advanced options” will help to zoom in selectively on the desktop. In this section you need to select the option “Additional resizing”. The standard control panel for the seventh and eighth versions will appear, allowing you to change the scale of individual interface elements.


Another very useful feature available for all versions of Windows is Clear Type. It is designed to increase the clarity of information display. When selected, a window opens in which various text fragments will be displayed. The user needs to choose those that seem to him the most readable and clear. After that, the operating system automatically adjusts the settings so that all the text on the monitor appears as clear as possible.

monitorIt also happens that the font suddenly becomes larger or smaller spontaneously. To correct the situation and return everything to their places, you should:

  • through the control panel (opens in the lower left corner through the "Start") open the menu "Appearance / Personalization";
  • go to the appropriate section with fonts;
  • select the option "Parameters";
  • click “Restore” and approve the changes.

Thus, we can conclude: users of devices with OS Windows can easily customize the system for yourself - change the size of text and icons on the screen, as well as others various options. The main thing is not to be afraid to “break” something, because at any time the settings can be returned to their original position.

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