How to connect a monitor to a laptop via hdmi: connecting a monitor to an hdmi laptop, how to connect a laptop to a monitor

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Despite the fact that the laptop is in itself a universal and quite practical device, some users still prefer to have a larger screen. This may be due to various reasons. For example, watching a movie or playing a game is considered the most convenient if you do it with a widescreen product. However, when connecting a structure that is not related to the entire system, it is necessary to know certain aspects that will help the user complete the procedure as quickly as possible and without difficulty. That is why this article is written. Here there is an opportunity to learn not only about the specifics, but also about the settings of the unit as a whole.

How to connect a monitor via hdmi to a laptop

Connecting a monitor to a laptop via hdmi - how to do it?

The content of the article

  • Connecting a monitor to a laptop via hdmi - how to do it?
  • Monitor setup
    • Image projection

The laptop is not difficult to connect to the monitor. So, in order to do everything as authentically as possible, it is recommended for those who wish to perform the actions presented below exactly in the sequence in which they are indicated:

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  • CableFirst you need to select a special cable through which data will be transmitted. To do this, first examine the structure and find out what ports it is equipped with. Most often, you can only find the HDMI input. It is he who will be needed in the future.
  • Next, look directly at the monitor. Everything is the same: we find out the connectors. If your building does not have HDMI, but there is VGA and DVI, then you need to arm yourself with one HDMI cable and an adapter with DVI. Therefore, it does not matter if the holes are matched or not. In any case, it will be possible to switch.
  • Now that everything is right, you can start the main process. You should turn on the laptop, as well as the monitor. This is a kind of advice that can really save your devices.
  • Next, in fact, you need to connect a monitor port with a laptop using a specific cable.

ATTENTION! There are hardly any problems at this stage. In the presence of defects, the reason may be one - an incorrectly selected product.

  • Then we boot devices. Therefore, the same image should appear on two designs.

As you can see, the whole procedure with additional construction is as similar as possible to the process of connecting a conventional monitor to a personal computer. Naturally, this does not require special skills and professional knowledge, so that even the most inexperienced person in this business can cope.

Cable port

Monitor setup

Of course, there is the opportunity to adjust the picture on the second monitor just the way you want it to work. It is also easy to do. First, the user must choose the specifics of the device’s operability: either the auxiliary structure displays the same as on the main one, or another image. Therefore, the recommended actions and their execution are described below:

  • The first thing to do is to click once with the mouse (right side) once in any place. A window will appear with a menu where you will need to select “screen settings”.

REFERENCE! Indeed, it may be that you will not find such a name. In this case, try to identify the line "screen resolution".

  • There are two options for opening this section. If you own a laptop, you can use the function key, which is an icon with a monitor. Most often, it is located directly on the site of F8. Thus, it must be clamped simultaneously with a key called “fn”.

Image projection

So, after performing the above steps, a window with certain settings should appear directly. The following functions can be observed in it:

  • Exclusively personal computer screen. This means that only the main device, the PC, will perform various tasks. As for the second, additional, it is disconnection from work.
  • CustomizationThere are times when the same image is displayed directly on two screens. This could be, for example, showing a presentation when its creator is looking at a small monitor, and the rest at a large one. Accordingly, this function is called "repeating."
  • Let's analyze a fairly common projection option among users - expand. Here, the owner of the device will be able to significantly increase his workplace, since the main picture will be concentrated not only in one location, but also on another design. From this comes the information that you will have to drive with the mouse on an adjacent monitor. Such a function is quite convenient when watching a movie on one side, and on the other, for example, do your job.
  • And the last opportunity offered is only on one design screen, and on an additional one. And it consists in the fact that performance is based solely on the second structure. Meanwhile, while the main one is disconnected from its actions. As you can see, the described option is identical with the very first. The only difference is that different inventions take functionality.

Therefore, each user chooses a method of performing work in a manner convenient to him. Since everyone’s preferences are quite different.

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