What the monitor consists of: we study the contents of the monitor and interesting facts

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monitor backSometimes it becomes interesting what this or that device is made of. Thus, in this article we will consider the composition of the monitor, and also try to learn a lot about the design presented.

What materials are the bodies made of?

The content of the article

  • What materials are the bodies made of?
  • What is inside the monitor
  • Interesting facts about monitors
  • Precautions for Using Monitors

When purchasing, the buyer often pays attention either to the cheap option, which it looks like ordinary plastic, or to a more popular and expensive unit - from special metal. Thus, we will first analyze the material of the first of them.

  • First of all, the most common synthetic product is polycarbonate and ABS (the full name is so long that it was given the abbreviation). Therefore, practically all equipment is made from this mixture of substances. If considered separately, it is worthwhile to understand that the first of them improves the properties of the other. And the second, in turn, is itself quite fragile under the influence of sunlight and not only, although its price is very low. The technology by which parts are manufactured is casting. Thanks to this process, even the most complex elements can be cast.
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  • Separately, it is worth emphasizing the use of metals such as aluminum and magnesium alloys. In this case, casting is impossible, and the products are the most bulky.

What is inside the monitor

scheme of the modern monitorThe following components are usually included in a modern LCD screen:

  • The display consists of a special matrix. It is a glass plate, and between its layers are liquid crystals. In addition, you should not forget about the light sources that are used for backlighting. If we talk about contact harness and framing, then their frame is most often made of plastic stiffness.

ATTENTION! Increasingly, you will notice that an LCD module is built in instead of this product. Therefore, it consists of LCD, glass and filters;

  • The lamp that is needed for lighting is inside the matrix;
  • Directly housing the entire device;
  • A power supply unit that receives, respectively, 220V, and provides voltage to the controller;
  • Controller. It is necessary in order to reproduce the polling of the inclusion of various buttons, as well as to establish communication with a personal computer and to transmit signals such as pixel colors.

Interesting facts about monitors

monitor deviceWhile working or playing at the computer, the user does not even think about some points that are directly related to the working equipment.

  1. So, avid players often seek to acquire that screen that has great options. This is because the interaction with such a device is most comfortable. However, it is unlikely that a person represents the most overall unit. But the diagonal of such a structure has 108 inches. It is truly the world's largest monitor. As for other parameters, this is a resolution of 1920 by 1080.
  2. After such achievements, it is worth knowing how the path to creation began. But after the discovery of Ferdinand Brown, various experiments began, which eventually led to modern designs.
  3. Speaking about the future, we can touch on the topic of unusual functions. If you believe the manufacturers, a three-dimensional image will soon appear, which allows you to view the user in 3D effect. In addition, a display will appear, which will make it possible to avoid glasses for sight. That is, those people who have problems in this area can not worry about health. Transparent screens also promise to produce, they will give great opportunities at work.

Precautions for Using Monitors

modern monitorNaturally, if you neglect certain rules, a person who uses a PC can harm his health. So consider the main points that should be observed when interacting with the device.

  • It is very important to prepare your workplace. It can not be near water: pool, bathroom, basement, where there is a high rate of humidity.
  • Since the screen is equipped with a three-pin plug, that is, the outlet must be designed for a specific plug.
  • To avoid overheating and ensure proper operation, do not block the fan. It is located on the rear and bottom panels and represents holes.
  • If you do not have special knowledge and skills, then repairing by yourself is prohibited. In case of any malfunction, call a specialist or call for service.
  • On the surface of the unit are various kinds of slots. In them, accordingly, it is not necessary to stick foreign objects, as this can lead to breakdowns.
  • During a thunderstorm, it is recommended that you unplug the equipment directly from the network.
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